
RV Belgica 2010-23

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Belgica (11BE)
Cruise identifier2010-23
Cruise period2010-09-13 — 2010-09-16
Port of departureZeebrugge, Belgium
Port of returnZeebrugge, Belgium
ObjectivesAMORE-3 project

UMONS will test the FlowCAM, a real-time digital imaging flow cytometry in field conditions, and more particularly the possibility for continuous measurements and real-time analysis of natural phytoplankton communities present in spring in the Southern Bight of the North Sea. Tests will be performed by pumping seawater directly in the FlowCAM along transects realized between sampling tations.

BELCOLOUR-2 project

Make in-situ measurements simultaneous with satellite overpasses of MERIS (Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) and MODIS (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer), measurements of a very detailed set of apparent and inherent optical properties (optical closure, characterisation of specific inherent optical properties for use in algorithm calibration/evaluation) and
measurement of carbon-related parameters (partial pressure of CO2, primary production).
Analysis of dissolved oxygen, pH and total alkalinity as well as continuous measurements of pCO2 at each BELCOLOUR-2 station.
Underwater light measurements.

SHIPFLUX project.
BELISSIMA (Belgian Ice Sheet - Shelf Ice Measurements in Antarctica) project.
Chief scientistKevin Denis (Digital Ecology of Aquatic Environments, University of Mons)
Cruise reportRV Belgica 2010-23 cruise report belgica_2010-23.pdf (0.20 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificSouthwestern North Sea
Track chartsRV Belgica 2010-23 cruise track — belgica_2010-23trk.pdf (0.03 MB)