
RV Atlantic Explorer AE1409

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Atlantic Explorer (33H4)
Cruise identifierAE1409
Cruise period2014-05-08 — 2014-05-31
Port of departureUnknown, Bermuda
Port of returnUnknown, Barbados
ObjectivesDissolved Phosphorus Processing by Trichodesmium Consortia: quantitative partitioning, role of microbial coordination, and impact on nitrogen fixation. The goal of the cruise is to sample colonies of the nitrogen fixing cyanobacterium Trichodesmium. To do this we will occupy stations across the western subtropical and tropical North Atlantic. We will take samples by net tow and CTD. The samples we collected will be used in on-deck incubations experiments, and subjected to on-board chemical analysis.
Chief scientistBenjamin van Mooy (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry)
NPRCRV Atlantic Explorer AE1409 NPRC atlanticexplorer_1409.pdf (0.06 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralCaribbean Sea
SpecificLeeward and Windward Islands. Northeast coast of South America.
Track chartsRV Atlantic Explorer AE1409 cruise track — atlanticexplorer_1409trk.pdf (0.13 MB)