
RV Knorr KN218

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Knorr (316N)
Cruise identifierKN218
Cruise period2014-05-01 — 2014-05-12
Port of departureWoods Hole, United States
Port of returnWoods Hole, United States
ObjectivesR/V Knorr cruise number 218 contributed to a joint Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution and Lamont Doherty Earth Observatory research program funded by the U.S. National Science Foundation that is investigating the characteristics, causes and consequences of interannual variations in the Northwest Atlantic's Deep Western Boundary Current (DWBC). The study is documenting temperature, salinity, tracer, and velocity variations of the DWBC by maintaining a 6-element moored array spanning the continental slope southeast of Woods Hole over a 10-year period, and repeatedly occupying a hydrographic section along this line extending into the Sargasso Sea. Cruise Kn218 was designed to recover the moored array and to re-occupy the hydrographic section along the array and extending southeast towards Bermuda, both for the last time. In addition, we agreed to test various sensors that colleagues wished to evaluate, deploy floats and recover two gliders operating on the continental shelf near our cruise track.
Chief scientistJohn M Toole (Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Department of Physical Oceanography)
Cruise reportRV Knorr KN218 cruise report knorr_kn218.pdf (1.04 MB) 
NPRCRV Knorr KN218 NPRC knorr_f2014-010.pdf (0.05 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificContinental shelf off eastern North America
Track chartsRV Knorr KN218 cruise track — knorr_kn218trk.pdf (0.20 MB)