
FRV Scotia 0514S

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FRV Scotia (748S)
Cruise identifier0514S
Cruise period2014-04-24 — 2014-05-09
Port of departureAberdeen, United Kingdom
Port of returnAberdeen, United Kingdom

1. Perform hydrographic sampling along the JONSIS long term monitoring section in the northern North Sea.
2. Perform hydrographic sampling along the long term monitoring Faroe-Shetland Channel sections, Munken - Fair Isle and Nolso - Flugga.
3. Take water samples for long term storage at Fair Isle - Munken section stations FIM-01 and FIM-06.
4. Take sediment samples at or near the Nolso - Flugga section stations - NOL-4 (1080m), NOL-3 (500m), NOL-2 (200m).
5. Take water samples for a Salford University pilot study on fish DNA analysis at Faroe - Cape Wrath section stations FWZ-12, FWZ-14 and FWZ-19.
6. Recover and download the data from the five ADCP moorings deployed on the Faroe - Cape Wrath section during October 2013.
7. Deploy five ADCP moorings at positions adjacent to the Fair Isle - Munken section for the FASTNET project.
8. Deploy the SAMS glider at a position > 1000m on the Fair Isle - Munken section.
9. Deploy 15 SAMS drifters at the east end of the Wyville - Thomson Ridge.
10. Deploy 10 Marine Scotland drifters at the east end of the Wyville - Thomson Ridge.
11. Deploy a turbulence profiler for a tidal cycle at moorings NWSD, NWSE and NWSF.
12. Take 3 litre water samples for Heriot Water University from selected stations along the long term monitoring sections.
13. Repeat CTD sampling of the Fair Isle - Munken section.


On sailing from Aberdeen (24 April) Scotia will make passage to the start of the JONSIS section to commence sampling with the CTD and carousel water sampler. On route test deployments of the CTD and carousel will take place. On completion of the JONSIS section passage will be made to the start of the Nolso-Flugga section. During CTD and water sampling of the Nolso-Flugga section grab samples will also be taken for Aberdeen University. On reaching the end of the Nolso-Flugga section passage will be made to the area of the NWSD mooring where the SAMS glider will be deployed in a depth greater than 1000m. Thereafter, Scotia will make way to the area on the Faroe-Cape Wrath section where the five ADCP moorings will be recovered and DNA water samples taken. The ADCP instrumentation data will be downloaded and instruments and moorings refurbished on route to new deployment positions along the shelf edge adjacent to the Fair Isle - Munken section. The five ADCP moorings will be deployed at the new positions. A CTD profile will be taken after each mooring deployment at a position nearby. Passage will be then made to one end of the Fair-Isle - Munken section where CTD and water sampling will be undertaken. On completion the turbulence profiler will deployed for 13 hour periods nearby moorings NWSD, NWSE and NWSF. Following this the drifters will be deployed in the area where the moorings were picked up on the Cape Wrath section (east end of the Wyville -Thomson Ridge). Any remaining time will be spent CTD sampling the Cape Wrath - Faroe section and repeating the Fair Isle - Munken section. It is intended to leave the glider deployed and depending on battery usage the glider will either be picked up by the Scotia during cruise 1414S or by a NERC vessel if to be recovered earlier. Water samples will be taken at selected long term monitoring stations for Heriot Watt University when sampling the long term monitoring sections. It is not planned to pick up any of the drifters prior to returning to Aberdeen unless circumstances dictate.
Chief scientistGeorge Slesser (Marine Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise programmeFRV Scotia 0514S cruise programme 0514s.pdf  (0.17 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificFaroe - Shetland Channel, Munken - Fair Isle, Nolso - Flugga, Faroe – Cape Wrath, Wyville – Thomson Ridge.
Track chartsFRV Scotia 0514S cruise track — 0514strk.pdf (0.10 MB) 
Data held at BODC 
Discrete samples 
12  Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply