
Mezen 2014

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)Mezen (RUMZ)
Cruise identifier2014
Cruise period2014-10-01 — 2016-08-01
ObjectivesThe main objective of the investigation is to study interrelationships of blocks of continental and oceanic crust, genesis of rifts of different depths, the role of shear and thrust tectonics in the formation of regional structure of the basement and the sedimentary cover, the main features in distribution and structure of carbonate platforms, including deepwater ones. A special feature of the planned seismic survey is the use of floating seismic systems (sonobuoys) for recording refracted waves at offsets exceeding 30 km. The use combined reflection and refraction data will allow an anticipated depth of investigation of 45-60 km.
Chief scientistEvgeniy Petrov (Geology Without Limits)
NPRCMezen 2014 NPRC mezen_2014.pdf (0.23 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralCaribbean Sea