
FRV Scotia 0614S

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FRV Scotia (748S)
Cruise identifier0614S
Cruise period2014-05-12 — 2014-05-31
Port of departureAberdeen, United Kingdom
Port of returnAberdeen, United Kingdom

To undertake bathymetric and groundtruthing survey work in connection with potential floating offshore wind and wave renewable energy developments located on the east and north coast of Scotland.


MRV Scotia will depart from Aberdeen at 09:00 (BST) on 12 May. Before making passage to the north and east coast, Scotia will calibrate the multibeam system off Stonehaven. Once this is completed a small boat transfer will be necessary to return the RESON representative back to Stonehaven Harbour and collect P Copland. The nature of the work will be heavily dependant on the prevailing weather conditions encountered. The proposed survey work for north and east coast of Scotland is very similar to the work undertaken in the Pentland Firth (2009), west of Lewis and Fair Isle (2010) and north coast of Scotland (2011). The bathymetric survey work will involve a series of transects collecting swathe and RoxAnn data, the deployment of the TV drop frame and, where practical, the deployment of a day grab. On arrival at the survey sites sound velocity profiles will be recorded on a daily basis and deployment of the day grab will be considered after each TV tow.

MRV Scotia will complete a half landing at Scrabster on 21 May and exchange scientific staff. On completion of the survey work the vessel will return to unload at Aberdeen Harbour on 31 May.
Chief scientistPeter Hayes (Marine Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory), Philip J Copland (Marine Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise programmeFRV Scotia 0614S cruise programme 0614s.pdf  (0.50 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificNorth and east coast of Scotland
Track chartsFRV Scotia 0614S cruise track — 0614strk.pdf (0.49 MB) 
Data held at BODC 
Discrete samples 
1  Sample taken from ship's non-toxic supply