
FFS Walther Herwig III 377

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FFS Walther Herwig III (06NI)
Cruise identifier377
Cruise period2014-08-28 — 2014-09-17
Port of departureBremerhaven, Germany
Port of returnBremerhaven, Germany
ObjectivesIntegrated Monitoring of Contaminants and their Biological Effects (INMON)

As part of the integrated monitoring programme of the Thünen Institute of Fisheries Ecology (FI) on contaminants and biological effects (incl. fish diseases) in fish from the North Sea and Baltic Sea, studies were carried out in eight Baltic Sea and seven North Sea areas. In addition to the onboard examination of dab (Limanda limanda), flounder (Platichthys flesus) and cod (Gadus morhua) for externally visible diseases and parasites, a large range of fish samples were taken for a subsequent analysis of contaminants and their biological effects. As part of the NATO-funded MODUM project (2013-2016), extensive studies were carried out on the health status of cod in dumping areas for chemical munitions and reference areas. Samples of diverse fish species were frozen for studies on radionuclides and for contaminant analyses in the framework of national and international marine monitoring programmes (BLMP, OSPAR, HELCOM). Hydrographical measurements were carried out (water temperature, salinity, oxygen content, turbidity).
Chief scientistThomas Lang (Thünen Institute of Sea Fisheries, Hamburg)
Cruise reportFFS Walther Herwig III 377 cruise report waltherherwigiii_377.pdf (0.76 MB) 
NPRCFFS Walther Herwig III 377 NPRC waltherherwigiii_377.pdf (1.21 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralKattegat, Sound and Belts
Baltic Sea
North Sea
Track chartsFFS Walther Herwig III 377 cruise track — waltherherwigiii_377trk.pdf (0.15 MB)