
RV Johan Hjort 2017204

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Johan Hjort (58J3)
Cruise identifier2017204
Cruise period2017-04-15 — 2017-05-11
Port of departureBergen, Norway
Port of returnBergen, Norway

1. To sample pre-selected stations along standard transects for physical, chemical and biological parameters in the Northern North Sea and Skagerrak.
2. To map the abundance, distribution and species composition of phytoplankton, zooplankton, and early life stages of fish (eggs and larvae).
3. To undertake two process studies (northwestern North Sea and Skagerrak) in order to investigate the spatial, vertical and diel distribution of fish eggs and larvae and their potential predators and prey.
4. To monitor radioactive contamination in Skagerrak.
Chief scientistTone Falkenhaug (Institute of Marine Research, Norway)
NPRCRV Johan Hjort 2017204 NPRC johanhjort_2017204.pdf (0.55 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
North Sea
SpecificNorthern North Sea and Skagerrak