
RV Simon Stevin 17-280

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Simon Stevin (11SS)
Cruise identifier17-280
Cruise period2017-05-08 — 2017-05-12
Port of departureOstend, Belgium
Port of returnOstend, Belgium
ObjectivesThis cruise is planned in the framework of the Jerico-Next project. The main objective is to improve and innovate the cooperation in coastal observatories in Europe. Within several tasks of this project the study of plankton biodiversity is a central point. During this cruise focus will lay on sampling this taxonomic group using different sensors and methods. Both discrete samples and samples from the underway system will be taken.
Chief scientistLennert Tyberghein (Flanders Marine Institute)
Cruise reportRV Simon Stevin 17-280 cruise report simonstevin_17-280.pdf (0.72 MB) 
NPRCRV Simon Stevin 17-280 NPRC simonstevin_17-280.pdf (0.13 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralEnglish Channel
North Sea
SpecificThames estuary, southern bight of the North Sea, eastern English Channel.