
RV Cefas Endeavour 03/18

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Cefas Endeavour (74E9)
Cruise identifier03/18
Cruise period2018-01-31 — 2018-02-07
Port of departureLowestoft, United Kingdom
Port of returnLowestoft, United Kingdom

1. Service SmartBuoys at Dowsing, Warp and West Gabbard.
2. Service Waverider at Firth of Forth, Tyne/Tees, and South Knock.
3. Service Waverider and guard buoy at Torness.
4. Service noise landers at Dowsing and Warp.
5. Service South Knock and Southwold guard buoys.
6. Nutrient mapping.
7. Collection of zooplankton samples at West Gabbard.


RV Cefas Endeavour will sail at about 21:00 on Wednesday 31st January 2018 and steam northward to service the SmartBuoy and the noise lander at Dowsing. While collecting discrete water samples from the FerryBox flow through, the Endeavour will keep moving northward for servicing the Waveriders at Tyne/Tees and at the Firth of Forth. On the following day, during daylight, the Torness Waverider and guard buoy will be serviced. The nuclear power station at Torness will listen in to the toolbox talk on the bridge before recovering the Waverider and guard buoy. The RV will then steam in south via Lowestoft, collecting water samples as required.

Dave Pearce, Tobias Boehme and Tom Hull will be taken ashore off Lowestoft. The Endeavour will then carry on steaming south to service the SmartBuoy at the Warp and a Waverider and guard buoy at South Knock, followed by the service of the West Gabbard2 SmartBuoy and the Southwold guard buoy - exact order of operations to be determined in consultation with the Master. A vertical net sample for zooplankton analysis will also be collected at West Gabbard 2.
The Endeavour will return to port in Lowestoft on the 14:00 tide, 7th February. If the weather is poor the route may be revised.
Chief scientistElisa Capuzzo (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory)
Cruise programmeRV Cefas Endeavour 03/18 cruise programme endeavour03_18.pdf  (0.22 MB) 
Cruise reportRV Cefas Endeavour 03/18 cruise report endeavour03_18.pdf (0.66 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralEnglish Channel
North Sea
Celtic Sea
SpecificEast UK coast (Firth of Forth, Torness, Tyne/Tees, Dowsing, Southwold, West Gabbard, South Knock)