
Atlantic Lady wk 19-21 2017

Cruise plan

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)Atlantic Lady (748D)
Cruise identifierwk 19-21 2017
Cruise period2017-05-09 — 2017-05-28
Port of departureIJmuiden, Netherlands
Port of returnIJmuiden, Netherlands
ObjectivesBiomass estimation of mackerel and horse mackerel stock. To collect data of the distribution of mackerel and horse mackerel eggs, to collect data on fecundity of female mackerel and horse mackerel and to obtain hydrographical data.
Chief scientistCindy J G van Damme (Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, IJmuiden)
NPRCAtlantic Lady wk 19-21 2017 NPRC atlanticlady_20160509.pdf (0.42 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralCeltic Sea
Bay of Biscay
North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
Track chartsAtlantic Lady wk 19-21 2017 cruise track — atlanticlady_20160509trk.pdf (0.19 MB)