
RV Atlantic Explorer AE1909 (BAIT-II, GApr13)

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Atlantic Explorer (33H4)
Cruise identifierAE1909 (BAIT-II, GApr13)
Cruise period2019-05-11 — 2019-05-17
Port of departureBermuda, Bermuda
Port of returnBermuda, Bermuda
ObjectivesIn a joint NSF-NERC project (funded), field data from the Bermuda Atlantic Time-series Study (BATS) region will be combined with an established, state-of-the-art ocean biogeochemical model in order to constrain the pools, fluxes and physicochemical transformations that control the oceanic distribution of dissolved iron (dFe), thereby advancing our ability to model the ocean iron cycle and project its sensitivity to future change. Specifically, seasonally resolved data on the vertical (upper 2,000 m) and lateral (tens of km) distributions of particulate, dissolved, colloidal, soluble and ligand-bound iron species will be obtained from the chemical analysis of water column samples collected during five cruises, spanning a full annual cycles, shared with the monthly BATS program cruises. These data, along with ancillary data from the BATS program, will be used to test and inform numerical modeling experiments, and thus derive an improved understanding of the mechanisms that control the distribution and dynamics of dFe in the oceanic water column.
Chief scientistRod Johnson (Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences)
ProjectGEOTRACES -Trace elements and their isotopes in the water column
Cruise reportRV Atlantic Explorer AE1909 (BAIT-II, GApr13) cruise report atlanticexplorer_ae1909.pdf (1.07 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth West Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificSargasso Sea