
Tridens wk 04-08 2022

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)Tridens (64T2)
Cruise identifierwk 04-08 2022
Cruise period2022-01-24 — 2022-02-24
Port of departureScheveningen, Netherlands
Port of returnScheveningen, Netherlands
ObjectivesIn 2022 the Dutch part of the International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS) in the first quarter (Q1) was carried out by Tridens II. The survey is part of the EU Data Collection Framework (DCF), and the statutory tasks of the Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality. This report describes the survey results and contains the cruise report of the trip.
During the IBTS sampling takes place with a fishing gear (GOV) and a larvae and egg net (MIK-net). The data of the fish catches are used for the ICES fish stock assessments for amongst others herring, cod, whiting, haddock and plaice. The data of the larvae catches are used for the stock assessments of herring. Furthermore, the data are used for other research concerning the North Sea ecosystem. Litter within the catches is sorted and categorized. This information is collected for reporting under the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
In the five weeks (weeks 4 to 8, 2022) in which the Dutch IBTS was carried out, the majority of the stations could be sampled as internationally prescribed. A number of these samples is taken outside the prescribed area, because the Scottish and Danish colleagues had technical issues and as a result were unable to collect all their samples. In the end, 53 of the total of 57 planned stations with the fishing gear and 100 of the 114 stations with the larva gear were sampled.
The results of the Dutch IBTS alone are difficult to compare directly with previous years due to the changes in the sampled area. In general, the same species have been observed. Remarkable, was the amount of blue whiting caught. Furthermore, the large catches of middle sized haddock and whiting were striking, as was already the case last year but has clearly continued.
The preliminary international data show that the youngest year class (2021) of all target species was low. However, due to the technical and other issues experienced during the survey, large areas are not or limited sampled. This reduces the value of the indices of this year.
Chief scientistRalf van Hal (Institute for Marine Resources and Ecosystem Studies, IJmuiden)
ProjectICES International Bottom Trawl Survey (IBTS)
Coordinating bodyInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES)
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificSouthern and Central North Sea (South of 57N)
Physical oceanography 
CTD stationsQuantity: number of stations = 52
Description: CTD Stations
Biology and fisheries 
Eggs and larvaeQuantity: number of hauls = 100
Description: MIK (Method Isaac)
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 53
Description: GOV (Grande Ouverture)