
RRS John Murray JM8/81

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RRS John Murray (74MJ)
Cruise identifierJM8/81
Cruise period1981-06-29 — 1981-07-09
Port of departureDundee, United Kingdom
Port of returnPlymouth, United Kingdom
ObjectivesTo fire five shots missed due to bad weather last summer, and three new ones at S9-11, and to record them on 12 buoyed Pull-Up Shallow water Seismeters laid in the same postitons as last year along a line 35' SSW from the Cod Oilfield.
Chief scientistDrummond Hoyle Matthews (University of Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences)
Cruise reportRRS John Murray JM8/81 cruise report john_murray8_81.pdf (0.26 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
Track chartsRRS John Murray JM8/81 cruise track — trk2602.html
Geology and geophysics 
Seismic refractionQuantity: number of measurements = 5
Description: seismic refraction