
FRV Clupea 2094C

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FRV Clupea (74CU)
Cruise identifier2094C
Cruise period1994-11-06 — 1994-11-16
Port of departureArdrossan, United Kingdom
Port of returnArdrossan, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To obtain water from the Firth of Clyde and conduct trace metal speciation experiments on filtered and ultra-filtered samples.
2. To obtain plaice for trend monitoring of organochlorine contamination (1-1.5 miles NE off the centre of the Garroch Head dump site).
Chief scientistPhilip W Balls (Scottish Office Agriculture Environment and Fisheries Department Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportFRV Clupea 2094C cruise report cl20_94.pdf (0.04 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralInner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland
SpecificFirth of Clyde
Track chartsFRV Clupea 2094C cruise track — cl20_94track.pdf (0.01 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
Water bottle stationsQuantity: number of stations = 3
Biology and fisheries 
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 6
Description: sampling for plaice.