
Jeannie Stella 2893H/1

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship nameJeannie Stella
Cruise identifier2893H/1
Cruise period1994-01-12 — 1994-01-12
Port of departureBlairmore, United Kingdom
Port of returnBlairmore, United Kingdom
ObjectivesTo disturb the sediment and associated fauna in a precisely defined area along the west shore of Loch Gareloch using a rock-hopper ground gear with no trawl net attached.
Chief scientistMichael R Robertson (Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportJeannie Stella 2893H/1 cruise report jeannie_stella_2893hpart1.pdf (0.04 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralInner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland
SpecificWest shore of Loch Gareloch
Track chartsJeannie Stella 2893H/1 cruise track — jeannie_stella_2893h_part1track.pdf (0.01 MB) 
Bottom depositsQuantity: number of hauls = 7
Description: 45-minute trawls, each tow using a 75 m warp with an approximate vessel speed of 2 knots. All tow tracks were recorded on tape, by Decca plotter, to allow easy location of the work area in the future