
MFV Aspire Feb1990

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)MFV Aspire (74KN)
Cruise identifierFeb1990
Cruise period1990-02-12 — 1990-02-16
Port of departureInverness, United Kingdom
Port of returnInverness, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To carry out an echo-sounder survey of the Inner Moray Firth, the Beauly, Inverness and Cromarty Firths in order to investigate the occurrence and distribution of pelagic fish shoals.
2. To sample suitable echo-traces using a pelagic trawl.
3. To observe the seal and seabird populations within the survey area.
4. To obtain live fish for experiments currently being carried out at the laboratory.
Chief scientistWilliam S MacDonald (Scottish Office Agriculture and Fisheries Department Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportMFV Aspire Feb1990 cruise report aspire_feb90.pdf (0.11 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificInner Moray Firth
Track chartsMFV Aspire Feb1990 cruise track — aspire_feb90track.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Biology and fisheries 
BirdsDescription: Seabird observations
Mammals and reptilesDescription: Seals counted on two occasions.
Pelagic fishQuantity: number of hauls = 11
Description: identifying echo-traces
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 30
Description: live whiting retained for experiments back at the laboratory.
Acoustic reflection on marine organisms.Description: echo-sounder survey to investigate the occurrence and distribution of pelagic fish shoals.