
RV Farnella 6/90

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Farnella (74AE)
Cruise identifier6/90
Cruise period1990-06-19 — 1990-07-13
Port of departureRedwood City, United States
Port of returnRedwood City, United States
ObjectivesThe main objective of the cruise was to collect TOBI deep-towed 30 kHz sidescan sonar and 7 kHz profile data from the depositional lobe of the Monterey Fan, off southern California. The area had previously been chosen for GLORIA 'groundtruth' studies and had been the site of intensive coring programmes in 1987, 1988 and 1989. A large amount of 3.5 kHz profile data and several camera stations also existed in the area prior to the cruise. However, detailed correlations between GLORIA, profile and core data had proved difficult to establish, at least partly through problems of scale, and it was hoped that the intermediate scale and higher resolution of the TOBI sidescan instrument might assist in solving this problem.
If time permitted, it was also planned that TOBI data would be collected over parts of the Monterey Fan channel and over the distal part of the Sur Slide, a large debris flow on the upper fan. Box and piston corers were carried on the cruise so that, if required, targets seen on the TOBI mosaics could be sampled. However, coring was seen primarily as a back-up operation, which would only become important if the TOBI system experienced significant downtime.
Chief scientistDouglas G Masson (Institute of Oceanographic Sciences Deacon Laboratory), James V Gardner (United States Geological Survey Meno Park Science Center)
Cruise reportRV Farnella 6/90 cruise report farnella6_90.pdf (0.27 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth East Pacific Ocean (limit 180W)
SpecificMonterey Fan
Track chartsRV Farnella 6/90 cruise track — farnella6_90track.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Geology and geophysics 
Single channel seismic reflectionDescription: 3.5 and 10kHz fishes were used. No. of deployments not noted.