
RV Cirolana CIR1/99

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Cirolana (74CZ)
Cruise identifierCIR1/99
Cruise period1999-02-04 — 1999-02-23
Port of departureLowestoft, United Kingdom
Port of returnLowestoft, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To provide baseline winter nutrient data for the UK coast.
2. To deploy ARGOS drifters in the Celtic Deep.
Chief scientistDavid Brian Sivyer (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory)
Cruise reportRV Cirolana CIR1/99 cruise report ci1_99.pdf (0.21 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
Celtic Sea
SpecificUK coast; Celtic Deep
Track chartsRV Cirolana CIR1/99 cruise track — ci1_99track.pdf (0.05 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
Surface measurements underway (T,S)Quantity: track kilometres = 4778.16
Description: Continuous recording of salinity, temperature and Aquatraka fluorimeter
CTD stationsQuantity: number of stations = 9
Description: At anchor in Wash, Thames, Humber, Outer Gabbard, Tyne, Plymouth, Bristol Channel, Liverpool Bay, Fleetwood
CTD stationsQuantity: number of stations = 47
Description: FSI CTD, LICOR, LSS transmissometer, HAARDT fluorimeter
Chemical oceanography 
OxygenQuantity: number of stations = 47
Description: FSI CTD, LICOR, LSS transmissometer, HAARDT fluorimeter
PhosphateQuantity: number of stations = 47
Description: FSI CTD, LICOR, LSS transmissometer, HAARDT fluorimeter
PhosphateQuantity: number of stations = 200
Description: Sampled via the continuous seawater supply
NitrateQuantity: number of stations = 47
Description: FSI CTD, LICOR, LSS transmissometer, HAARDT fluorimeter
NitrateQuantity: number of stations = 200
Description: Sampled via the continuous seawater supply
NitriteQuantity: number of stations = 200
Description: Sampled via the continuous seawater supply
NitriteQuantity: number of stations = 47
Description: FSI CTD, LICOR, LSS transmissometer, HAARDT fluorimeter
AmmoniaQuantity: number of stations = 200
Description: Sampled via the continuous seawater supply
SilicateQuantity: number of stations = 200
Description: Sampled via the continuous seawater supply
SilicateQuantity: number of stations = 47
Description: FSI CTD, LICOR, LSS transmissometer, HAARDT fluorimeter
Suspended matterQuantity: number of stations = 47
Description: FSI CTD, LICOR, LSS transmissometer, HAARDT fluorimeter
Suspended matterQuantity: number of stations = 200
Description: Sampled via the continuous seawater supply
Biology and fisheries 
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of stations = 200
Description: Sampled via the continuous seawater supply
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of stations = 47
Description: FSI CTD, LICOR, LSS transmissometer, HAARDT fluorimeter
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
Surface drifters/drifting buoys51° 51' 0" N  6° 10' 59" W — ARGOS drifting buoy deployed
Surface drifters/drifting buoys51° 24' 59" N  6° 15' 0" W — ARGOS drifting buoy deployed
Surface drifters/drifting buoys50° 39' 59" N  7° 45' 0" W — ARGOS drifting buoy deployed
Surface drifters/drifting buoys50° 39' 59" N  6° 0' 0" W — ARGOS drifting buoy deployed
Surface drifters/drifting buoys51° 34' 59" N  5° 45' 0" W — ARGOS drifting buoy deployed