
RRS Charles Darwin CD7

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RRS Charles Darwin (74AB)
Cruise identifierCD7
Cruise period1985-08-31 — 1985-10-05
Port of departureFunchal, Portugal
Port of returnMindelo, Cape Verde
ObjectivesTo investigate the Mesozoic and early Cenozoic plate motions in the eastern Equatorial Atlantic and examine their relation to crustal structure and the history of sediment deposition. The study involved:
1. recording seismic reflection profiles to examine the sedimentary cover of the African margin.
2. delineating the magnetic and bathymetric trends of the region.
3. determining the patterns of sediment accumulation at the various stages of Atlantic opening.
4. using seismic refraction to study the structure of the Guinee Fracture Zone.
Chief scientistE John W Jones (University College London, Department of Geology)
Cruise reportRRS Charles Darwin CD7 cruise report cd7.pdf (0.38 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificE. Central Atlantic Ocean
Track chartsRRS Charles Darwin CD7 cruise track — cd7track.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Geology and geophysics 
In-situ seafloor measurement/samplingDescription: Determination of sediment accumulation patterns at various stages of the Atlantic opening. No. of experiments not noted.
In-situ seafloor measurement/samplingDescription: The studying of the structure of the Ginee Fracture Zone using seismic refraction. No. of measurements not noted. Bottom samples were also taken.
Single channel seismic reflectionDescription: The studying of the structure of the Ginee Fracture Zone using seismic refraction. No. of measurements not noted. Bottom samples were also taken.
Single channel seismic reflectionDescription: Seismic reflection profiles were created to examine the sedimentary cover of the African margine. No. of profiles not noted.
Magnetic measurementsDescription: Delineating bathymetric and magnetic trends of the region. No. of experiments not noted.