
RV Farnella 4/84

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Farnella (74AE)
Cruise identifier4/84
Cruise period1984-07-11 — 1984-08-15
Port of departureCoos Bay, United States
Port of returnSan Diego, United States
ObjectivesThe primary objective of Leg 4 of programme EEZ-SCAN was to construct a sonograph mosaic of the entire seafloor in water depth greater than 500m within the US Exclusive Economic Zone off Oregon and Washington. The survey was extended westward beyond the 200-nm limit of the EEZ where necessary to include the Juan de Fuca Ridge. Also, coverage was planned to extend into Canadian territory, perhaps to 49N, to obtain a complete picture of certain geological features.
The primary surveying instrument used was GLORIA, a unique long-range sidescanning sonar system. Additional geophysical data were collected with airgun and transducer seismic-reflection profiling systems and with a magnetometer, in order to aid our interpretation of the sonograph data.
Cruise reportRV Farnella 4/84 cruise report farnella1to4_84.pdf (0.66 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth East Pacific Ocean (limit 180W)
Track chartsRV Farnella 4/84 cruise track — farnella1to4_84track.pdf (0.10 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurementsQuantity: number of surveys = 1
Description: Leg: 4 Area insonified: 90, 000nm² XBT drops made once a day. 3.5 and 10kHz bathymetric profiles made. Analogue magnetic field measurements taken. GLORIA used.
Geology and geophysics 
Long/short range side scan sonarQuantity: number of surveys = 1
Description: Leg: 4 Area insonified: 90, 000nm² XBT drops made once a day. 3.5 and 10kHz bathymetric profiles made. Analogue magnetic field measurements taken. GLORIA used.
Magnetic measurementsQuantity: number of surveys = 1
Description: Leg: 4 Area insonified: 90, 000nm² XBT drops made once a day. 3.5 and 10kHz bathymetric profiles made. Analogue magnetic field measurements taken. GLORIA used.