
RV Cirolana CIR3A/99

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Cirolana (74CZ)
Cruise identifierCIR3A/99
Cruise period1999-04-29 — 1999-05-20
Port of departureLowestoft, United Kingdom
Port of returnSwansea, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To collect samples of demersal fish for chemical analysis from the North Sea, English Channel and Irish Sea in support of the UK National Marine Monitoring Programme (NMMP) and the EC Fishery Products Directive Work.
2. To deploy fractionation/bioassay techniques on water samples from offshore and near shore/estuarine locations for chemical analysis of organics and bological effects studies.
3. To collect samples along a transect from the Dogger Bank - German Bight for use in the development and evaluation of sediment bioassays. Additional samples to be taken as appropriate at NMMP and estuarine sites.
4. To collect fish samples at NMMP sites, for fish disease and genetic toxicological analysis (e.g. DNA adducts).
5. To further investigate the use of appropriate biochemical, cytochemical and other biological techniques in support of NMMP.
6. To collect fish, sediments and water from selected NMMP stations and dredged material disposal sites for nonylphenol analysis.
7. To sample sediments and whelks for TBT analysis at dredged material disposal sites located off the Tyne, Falmouth, Swansea and Liverpool Bay.
8. To collect sediment samples for benthos from NMMP locations in Dundrum Bay, SE Isle of Man and Celtic Deep.
9. To collect multi-core samples for meiofauna at NMMP locations in Dundrum Bay and SE Isle of Man and Celtic Deep.
10. To collect water samples at NMMP stations for salinity, nutrient and chlorophyll analysis.
11. To collect fish samples from the Tees area for the chemical analysis of flame retardants.
Chief scientistJohn Edward Thain (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Burnham Laboratory)
ProjectUK National Monitoring Plan (NMMP)/EC Fish Products Directive Work
Coordinating bodyEC
Cruise reportRV Cirolana CIR3A/99 cruise report ci3a_99.pdf (0.22 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralEnglish Channel
North Sea
Irish Sea and St. George's Channel
Celtic Sea
SpecificIrish Sea, Celtic Sea, English Channel, North Sea
Physical oceanography 
Water bottle stationsQuantity: number of samples = 55
Biology and fisheries 
Demersal fish
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 1
Description: Agassiz trawl
Geology and geophysics 
DredgeQuantity: number of stations = 4
Description: dredged for whelks and scallops
GrabDescription: Day grab
Core - soft bottomQuantity: number of stations = 10
Description: surveyed using Reineck box corer.