
FRV Clupea 1699C

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FRV Clupea (74CU)
Cruise identifier1699C
Cruise period1999-10-05 — 1999-10-09
Port of departureFraserburgh, United Kingdom
Port of returnFraserburgh, United Kingdom
1. To obtain demersal fish by trawl along gradients in the firths of Forth and Tay,
2. To sample these fish for analyses in cluding polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, (PAH), metabolites in bile, PAH's in flesh and liver and hepatic function oxidase determination.
3. To sample sediments in association with the trawl site.
Chief scientistPamela Simpson (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportFRV Clupea 1699C cruise report 1699c.pdf (0.71 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificFirths of Forth and Tay
Biology and fisheries 
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids)Quantity: number of hauls = 23
Description: Sampling of Plaice/ Flounder for biological effects- EROD/ Hyrocarbon measurements later analysis on shore
Other biological/fisheries measurementQuantity: number of hauls = 23
Description: Sampling of Plaice/ Flounder for biological effects- EROD/ Hyrocarbon measurements later analysis on shore
Geology and geophysics 
GrabQuantity: number of samples = 21
Description: Day grab sampling of sediment along trawl line. Collection of sediment for chemical analysis. Samples taken for later analysis on shore