
FS Meteor M42_2

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FS Meteor (06M3)
Cruise identifierM42_2
Cruise period1998-07-21 — 1998-08-22
Port of departureLisbon, Portugal
Port of returnLisbon, Portugal
ObjectivesOne of a series of cruises within the frame of MAS III project BENGAL (no. MAS3-CT950018) and the German deep-sea project BIGSET, to study the transport mechanisms and fluxes of organic matter in the benthic boundary layer of the Porcupine Abyssal Plain and Biotrans station.
Main tasks:
Sediment analysis, geochemistry, biochemistry measurements of sediment-oxygen, in-situ fluxes, BBL-particle flux, BBL-plankton studies.
Meteorological station - weather consultation (issuing daily weather forecasts), meteorological observations and measurements, and determination of the net total radiation at sea.
Chief scientistOlaf Pfannkuche (Research Center for Marine Geosciences, Kiel)
ProjectBENGAL (MAS3-CT950018), BIGSET
Coordinating bodyBENGAL, SOC, BIGSET, GEOMAR, Kiel
Cruise reportFS Meteor M42_2 cruise report meteor42_98part2.pdf (1.05 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificWestern-European Basin
Track chartsFS Meteor M42_2 cruise track — trk4349.html
Physical oceanography 
CTD stationsQuantity: number of profiles = 31
Description: CTD casts and water samples
Biology and fisheries 
Sediment trapsQuantity: number of deployments = 2
Description: Sediment traps moored
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of hauls = 7
Description: Oblique zooplankton hawls
Geology and geophysics 
Core - soft bottomQuantity: number of deployments = 34
Description: Multiple corer, sediment samples for analysis of porewater nutrients, trace metals, biochemical parameters, bacterial studies
Other geological/geophysical measurementsQuantity: number of deployments = 8
Description: Benthic chamber landers, measurement of sediment-water interface fluxes
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
CTD stations48° 57' 59" N  16° 27' 59" W — CTD casts and water samples; sediment traps; multiple cores for biochemical and geochemistry bacterial studies
CTD stations47° 10' 59" N  19° 33' 59" W — CTD casts; sediment traps; multiple cores; sediment-water interface fluxes
Biology and fisheries 
Biochemical measurements (eg lipids, amino acids)48° 57' 59" N  16° 27' 59" W — CTD casts and water samples; sediment traps; multiple cores for biochemical and geochemistry bacterial studies
Sediment traps47° 10' 59" N  19° 33' 59" W — CTD casts; sediment traps; multiple cores; sediment-water interface fluxes
Sediment traps48° 57' 59" N  16° 27' 59" W — CTD casts and water samples; sediment traps; multiple cores for biochemical and geochemistry bacterial studies
Zooplankton48° 57' 59" N  16° 27' 59" W — Zooplankton
Benthic bacteria/micro-organisms48° 57' 59" N  16° 27' 59" W — CTD casts and water samples; sediment traps; multiple cores for biochemical and geochemistry bacterial studies
Geology and geophysics 
Core - soft bottom48° 36' 0" N  17° 26' 59" W — Multiple cores
Core - soft bottom47° 10' 59" N  19° 33' 59" W — CTD casts; sediment traps; multiple cores; sediment-water interface fluxes
Core - soft bottom48° 36' 0" N  22° 21' 59" W — Multiple cores
Core - soft bottom48° 57' 59" N  16° 27' 59" W — CTD casts and water samples; sediment traps; multiple cores for biochemical and geochemistry bacterial studies
Other geological/geophysical measurements47° 10' 59" N  19° 33' 59" W — CTD casts; sediment traps; multiple cores; sediment-water interface fluxes
Other geological/geophysical measurements48° 57' 59" N  16° 27' 59" W — Sediment-water interface fluxes