
FS Meteor M39_5

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FS Meteor (06M3)
Cruise identifierM39_5
Cruise period1997-08-13 — 1997-09-10
Port of departureReykjavík, Iceland
ObjectivesDeployment of Inverted Echo Sounds in the Denmark Strait as part of the VEINS (variability of exchange in northern seas) program.
Chief scientistGeoff Hargreaves (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
ProjectVEINS - Variability of Exchange in Northern Seas.
Coordinating bodyMAST III
Cruise reportFS Meteor M39_5 cruise report meteor39_97.pdf (0.22 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Atlantic Ocean
Greenland Sea
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements63° 22' 2" N  36° 4' 22" W — To measure the thickness of the DSOW using echsounders. Depth: 2180m Sea temp.: 10.4˚C Air temp.: 9.5˚C
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements63° 21' 57" N  36° 3' 52" W — To measure the thickness of the DSOW using echsounders. Depth: 2209m
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements63° 28' 43" N  36° 17' 52" W — To measure the thickness of the DSOW using echsounders. Depth: 1991m