
FS Meteor M45_4

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FS Meteor (06M3)
Cruise identifierM45_4
Cruise period1999-08-13 — 1999-08-31
Port of departureSt. John's, Canada
ObjectivesDeployment and Recovery of Inverted Echo Sounders in the Denmark Strait as part of the VEINS program.
ProjectVEINS - Variability of Exchanges in Northern Seas
Coordinating bodyMAST III
Cruise reportFS Meteor M45_4 cruise report meteor45_99.pdf (0.24 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Atlantic Ocean
Greenland Sea
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements63° 28' 34" N  36° 17' 18" W — To measure the thickness of the DSOW using echosounders. Depth: 2002m
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements63° 21' 46" N  36° 3' 43" W — To measure the thickness of the DSOW using echosounders. Depth: 2206m
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements63° 28' 33" N  36° 17' 34" W — To measure the thickness of the DSOW using echosounders. Depth: 2001m
Geology and geophysics 
Single-beam echosounding63° 28' 33" N  36° 17' 34" W — To measure the thickness of the DSOW using echosounders. Depth: 2001m
Single-beam echosounding63° 28' 34" N  36° 17' 18" W — To measure the thickness of the DSOW using echosounders. Depth: 2002m
Single-beam echosounding63° 21' 46" N  36° 3' 43" W — To measure the thickness of the DSOW using echosounders. Depth: 2206m