
RV Corystes COR5/00

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Corystes (74RY)
Cruise identifierCOR5/00
Cruise period2000-04-05 — 2000-04-26
Port of departureLowestoft, United Kingdom
Port of returnLowestoft, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To evaluate performance of CEFAS 76 kHz sonar buoys and coded acoustic tags for monitoring the movements of cod at sea.
2. To tag cod with 76kHz coded acoustic tags and monitor their movements remotely using a sonar buoy.
3. To use acoustic and fishing survey methods to estimate the abundance and distribution of sandeels on sandeel fishing grounds on the Western Dogger Bank.
4. To use acoustic survey methods (QTC and sidescan sonar) to describe sediment type in relation to sandeel distribution and abundance in some areas.
Chief scientistJulian David Metcalfe (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory)
Cruise reportRV Corystes COR5/00 cruise report co5_00.pdf (0.28 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificWestern side of the Dogger Bank (NW Riff)
Track chartsRV Corystes COR5/00 cruise track — co5_00trk.pdf (0.01 MB) 
Biology and fisheries 
Pelagic fishQuantity: track kilometres = 450.036
Description: Distribution of sandeel shoals detected using scientific echosounder (EK500, 38-120 1
Pelagic fishQuantity: number of stations = 63
Description: Sandeel samples taken using a 1.2m sandeel dredge towed for 10 minutes at each station
Demersal fishQuantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Half-hour tows with Granton trawl
Geology and geophysics 
Single-beam echosoundingQuantity: track kilometres = 450.036
Description: QTC acoustic survey of sea bed sediment
Long/short range side scan sonarQuantity: track kilometres = 450.036
Description: Side Scan Sonar of sea floor