
RV Corystes COR10/00

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Corystes (74RY)
Cruise identifierCOR10/00
Cruise period2000-07-25 — 2000-08-08
Port of departureLowestoft, United Kingdom
Port of returnLowestoft, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To undertake a beam trawl survey in the southern North Sea and eastern English Channel as part of an international programme to i) obtain fisheries independent data on the distribution and abundance of commercial flatfish species and ii) derive age compositions of sole and plaice for use in the assessment of stock size.
2. To collect biological data including maturity and weight at age of commercial flatfish and non-commercial fish by-catch.
3. To quantify the seabed sediments and epibenthos using 4m beam trawl by-catch data, a specifically designed 2m beam trawl, and remote acoustic seabed discrimination systems (QTC).
4. To carry out a detailed survey on and around the Hastings Shingle Bank.
5. To collect biological data on the reproductive cycle and population genetics of the ctenostomate bryozoan genus Bowerbankia.
Chief scientistRichard Simon Millner (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory)
Cruise reportRV Corystes COR10/00 cruise report co10_00.pdf (0.18 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralEnglish Channel
North Sea
SpecificSouthern North Sea; Eastern English Channel
Track chartsRV Corystes COR10/00 cruise track — co10_00trk.pdf (0.01 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurementsQuantity: activity duration in days = 14
Description: Underway continuous measurements of CTD
Biology and fisheries 
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of stations = 97
Description: Fishing hauls with 4m beam trawl
ZoobenthosQuantity: number of stations = 29
Description: Fishing hauls with 2m beam trawl
Demersal fishQuantity: number of stations = 97
Description: Fishing hauls with 4m beam trawl
Geology and geophysics 
GrabQuantity: number of stations = 12
Description: Day grab samples for bottom sediment
Single-beam echosoundingQuantity: number of stations = 11
Description: QTC - remote acoustic seabed discrimation grids