
RV Calanus Autosub Science Missions Trials Cruise

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Calanus (745R)
Cruise identifierAutosub Science Missions Trials Cruise
Cruise period1999-04-15 — 1999-05-07
Port of departureDunstaffnage, United Kingdom
Port of returnDunstaffnage, United Kingdom
ObjectivesDaily instrument and systems trials of the Autosub vehicle in preparation for experiments within the Autosub Science Missions Thematic Programme (NERC). Special objectives included:
1) Trials of a launch and recovery gantry for the AUV.
2) Trials of a sidescan sonar for near-surface bubble studies, with trials of an associated turbulence probe.
3) Trials of an EK500 scientific echo-sounder mounted within the AUV.
Chief scientistNick Millard (Southampton Oceanography Centre)
ProjectAutosub Science Missions Thematic Programme
Coordinating bodyNERC, UK
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralInner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland
SpecificLoch Linnhe and the Lynn of Morven
Physical oceanography 
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurementsQuantity: number of dives = 33
Description: From CTD and other sensors on the Autosub-1 AUV. Also engineering performance data.
Current profiler (eg ADCP)Quantity: number of dives = 33
Description: From CTD and other sensors on the Autosub-1 AUV. Also engineering performance data.
Other physical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of dives = 33
Description: From CTD and other sensors on the Autosub-1 AUV. Also engineering performance data.
Other physical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of dives = 10
Description: Direct turbulence measurements using an Aerofoil probe and temperature microstructure.
Other physical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of dives = 10
Description: Upward-looking sidescan sonar measurements near the sea surface for studies of turbulence and Langmuir circulation.
Biology and fisheries 
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence)Quantity: number of dives = 33
Description: From CTD and other sensors on the Autosub-1 AUV. Also engineering performance data.
Acoustic reflection on marine organisms.Quantity: number of dives = 5
Description: Trials of an EK500 38/120 kHz scientific echo-sounder within the AUV in preparation for use on a herring survey.