
FRV Clupea 1500C

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FRV Clupea (74CU)
Cruise identifier1500C
Cruise period2000-10-20 — 2000-11-06
Port of departureFraserburgh, United Kingdom
Port of returnFraserburgh, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To sample fish using the PT 154 International gadoid trawl with 6 mm cod-end.
2. To use the modified 5 m beam trawl to sample bottom living species.
3. To carry out detailed acoustic surveys in selected sealochs using the Seabat 602 and RoxAnn.
4. To carry out grab sampling for benthic organisms and ground truthing RoxAnn.
Chief scientistJames A M Kinnear (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportFRV Clupea 1500C cruise report 1500c.pdf (1.85 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralInner Seas off the West Coast of Scotland
SpecificLoch Gairloch, Outer Loch Torridon, Loch Hourn, Loch Nevis and Loch Sunart
Track chartsFRV Clupea 1500C cruise track — 1500ctrack.pdf (0.36 MB) 
Biology and fisheries 
Pelagic fishQuantity: number of hauls = 26
Description: Trawls: pelagic and demersal fish sampled for maturity and age.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 26
Description: Trawls: pelagic and demersal fish sampled for maturity and age.
Geology and geophysics 
Multi-beam echosoundingQuantity: track kilometres = 92.6
Description: Roxann data for seabed mapping. SeaBat used for shoal measurements