
RRS Charles Darwin CD120

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RRS Charles Darwin (74AB)
Cruise identifierCD120
Cruise period1999-09-21 — 1999-10-19
Port of departureSouthampton, United Kingdom
Port of returnSouthampton, United Kingdom
ObjectivesA geophysical cruise to investigate sub-seafloor physical characteristics beneath an area of high and low temperature hydrothermal venting, at the axis of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, at the "Lucky Strike" segment.
Method used: controlled source electromagnetic sounding to determine crustal resistivity structure.
The "DASI" deep-towed transmitter system provided the controlled electromagnetic source; an array of "LEMLR" instruments at the seafloor acted as receivers.
Chief scientistMartin C Sinha (University of Cambridge Department of Earth Sciences)
ProjectISO-3D (part of EU "MAST-3"/framework)
Coordinating bodyUniversity of Cambridge
Cruise reportRRS Charles Darwin CD120 cruise report cd120.pdf (8.06 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Atlantic Ocean
SpecificLucky Strike segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, SW of the Azores Archipelago - 37deg 00'N - 37deg 30'N; 032deg 00'W - 32deg 30'W
Track chartsRRS Charles Darwin CD120 cruise track — trk4387.html
Physical oceanography 
BathythermographQuantity: number of profiles = 5
Description: XBT casts to 1800m water depth
Current profiler (eg ADCP)Quantity: activity duration in days = 17
Description: ADCP profiling
Other physical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: number of profiles = 1
Description: Sound velocity meter cast
Geology and geophysics 
Single-beam echosoundingQuantity: activity duration in days = 17
Description: Single beam echo sounding
Gravity measurementsQuantity: activity duration in days = 17
Description: Gravimeters
Magnetic measurementsQuantity: activity duration in days = 10
Description: Magnetics (total field)
Other geological/geophysical measurementsQuantity: track kilometres = 212
Description: DASI deep tow transmission line
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
Current meters37° 16' 59" N  32° 15' 0" W — Current meter/recovered
Current meters37° 16' 59" N  32° 15' 59" W — Current meter/recovered
Current meters37° 16' 59" N  32° 19' 59" W — Current meter/recovered
Current meters37° 16' 59" N  32° 19' 59" W — Current meter/recovered
Geology and geophysics 
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 16' 59" N  32° 21' 0" W — LEMUR/electric field/recovered
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 18' 36" N  32° 15' 59" W — LEMUR/electric field/lost
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 16' 59" N  32° 15' 0" W — LEMUR/electric field/lost
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 17' 59" N  32° 17' 59" W — LEMUR/electric field/recovered
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 17' 59" N  32° 13' 59" W — LEMUR/electric field/lost
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 19' 59" N  32° 19' 59" W — LEMUR/electric field/recovered
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 17' 59" N  32° 15' 59" W — Acoustic transponder/recovered
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 19' 59" N  32° 10' 59" W — Acoustic transponder/recovered
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 21' 0" N  32° 17' 59" W — Acoustic transponder/recovered
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 17' 59" N  32° 22' 59" W — Acoustic transponder/recovered
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 15' 0" N  32° 19' 59" W — Acoustic transponder/recovered
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 15' 0" N  32° 17' 59" W — LEMUR/electric field/lost
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 21' 0" N  32° 15' 0" W — LEMUR/electric field/recovered
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 13' 59" N  32° 15' 0" W — LEMUR/electric field/recovered
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 15' 59" N  32° 12' 59" W — Acoustic transponder/recovered
Other geological/geophysical measurements37° 16' 35" N  32° 16' 59" W — LEMUR/electric field/recovered