
RV Cirolana CIR11/96

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Cirolana (74CZ)
Cruise identifierCIR11/96
Cruise period1996-12-02 — 1996-12-22
Port of departureLowestoft, United Kingdom
Port of returnLowestoft, United Kingdom
ObjectivesOne of a series of cruises to study:
1) The properties of real dredged material at two key sites (Harwich Tower and Tees Bay.
2) Environmental monitoring and research relating to the distribution and behaviour of radionuclides in the water column and sediments of UK waters.
Main tasks:
A) To deploy instruments, obtain core samples and carry out side scan surveys in two locations (Harwich Tower and Tees Bay).
B) To collect and process surface/bottom seawater and sediments for the analysis of TC-99 and transuranic radionuclides, as part of post-EARP surveys.
C) To collect and process surface water for analysis of SS and tritium for the biennial monitoring programme.
Chief scientistKinson S Leonard (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Lowestoft Fisheries Laboratory)
Cruise reportRV Cirolana CIR11/96 cruise report ci11_96.pdf (0.25 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralEnglish Channel
North Sea
Irish Sea and St. George's Channel
SpecificHarwich Tower; Tees Bay
Track chartsRV Cirolana CIR11/96 cruise track — ci11_96track.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Physical oceanography 
CTD stationsQuantity: number of stations = 7
Description: Profiles for calibration of deployed instruments and radio assay
Other physical oceanographic measurementsQuantity: track kilometres = 40.744
Description: Side scan sonar of spoil areas
Chemical oceanography 
Trace elementsQuantity: number of stations = 120
Description: Cs-137, salinity & temperature at all 120 stations; Tc-99 at 105 stations; Co-60 & Pu-239,240 at 11 stations and H-3 at 48 stations
RadioactivityQuantity: number of stations = 7
Description: Profiles for calibration of deployed instruments and radio assay
RadioactivityQuantity: number of stations = 120
Description: Cs-137, salinity & temperature at all 120 stations; Tc-99 at 105 stations; Co-60 & Pu-239,240 at 11 stations and H-3 at 48 stations
Geology and geophysics 
GrabQuantity: number of stations = 44
Description: Cores for shear stress measurements and TC-99 assay
Core - soft bottomQuantity: number of stations = 44
Description: Cores for shear stress measurements and TC-99 assay
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
CTD stations54° 42' 0" N  1° 1' 59" W — Laid minipod (38.9M-depth)
CTD stations51° 51' 0" N  1° 27' 59" E — Laid minipod 'B' (15.7M-depth)
CTD stations51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid minipod 'C' (12.6M-depth)
CTD stations51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid quadropod (13.9M-depth)
Transparency (eg transmissometer)51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid quadropod (13.9M-depth)
Transparency (eg transmissometer)54° 42' 0" N  1° 1' 59" W — Laid minipod (38.9M-depth)
Transparency (eg transmissometer)51° 51' 0" N  1° 27' 59" E — Laid minipod 'B' (15.7M-depth)
Transparency (eg transmissometer)51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid minipod 'C' (12.6M-depth)
Current meters54° 42' 0" N  1° 1' 59" W — Laid minipod (38.9M-depth)
Current meters51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid quadropod (13.9M-depth)
Current meters51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid minipod 'C' (12.6M-depth)
Current meters51° 51' 0" N  1° 27' 59" E — Laid minipod 'B' (15.7M-depth)
Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder)54° 42' 0" N  1° 1' 59" W — Laid minipod (38.9M-depth)
Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder)51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid minipod 'C' (12.6M-depth)
Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder)51° 51' 0" N  1° 27' 59" E — Laid minipod 'B' (15.7M-depth)
Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder)51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid quadropod (13.9M-depth)
Instrumented wave measurements51° 51' 0" N  1° 27' 59" E — Laid minipod 'B' (15.7M-depth)
Instrumented wave measurements54° 42' 0" N  1° 1' 59" W — Laid minipod (38.9M-depth)
Instrumented wave measurements51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid quadropod (13.9M-depth)
Instrumented wave measurements51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid minipod 'C' (12.6M-depth)
Suspended matter54° 42' 0" N  1° 1' 59" W — Laid minipod (38.9M-depth)
Suspended matter51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid minipod 'C' (12.6M-depth)
Suspended matter51° 52' 59" N  1° 30' 0" E — Laid quadropod (13.9M-depth)
Suspended matter51° 51' 0" N  1° 27' 59" E — Laid minipod 'B' (15.7M-depth)