
Resolute 1/01

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship nameResolute
Cruise identifier1/01
Cruise period2001-04-02 — 2001-04-05
Port of departureFleetwood, United Kingdom
Port of returnFleetwood, United Kingdom
ObjectivesFourth in a series of five surveys to:
1) Carry out plankton stations in the eastern Irish Sea to determine plaice egg spawning.
2) Collect zooplankton samples for copepod production and fish larval feeding studies.
Chief scientistNatasha Bunn (Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science Lowestoft Laboratory)
ProjectSpatially Structured Population Modelling of Irish Sea Plaice
Coordinating bodyCEFAS, Lowestoft
Cruise reportResolute 1/01 cruise report resolute1_01.pdf (0.07 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralIrish Sea and St. George's Channel
SpecificEast of the Isle of Man
Physical oceanography 
CTD stationsQuantity: number of stations = 37
Description: Towed undulating self-logging FSI CTD profiler attached to Gulf VII frame. Profiles used ot record temperature and salinity, and presence of any stratification.
Subsurface temperature and salinity measurementsQuantity: number of stations = 18
Description: Samples of sea surface water collected for analysis of conductivity/salinity. Values to be used for comparison with/ validate FSI CTD measurements.
Biology and fisheries 
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of stations = 37
Description: Gulf VII-type towed plankton sampler. Deployed in 'V' shaped profile(s) from surface to near bottom to surface. Zooplankton and eggs/larvae collected using 270 and 80 micrometre nets with self-logging flow meter units attached. An external flow meter monitored clogging. Samples preserved in 4 per cent formalin for analysis in the CEFAS Laboratory, Lowestoft.
Eggs and larvaeQuantity: number of stations = 37
Description: Gulf VII-type towed plankton sampler. Deployed in 'V' shaped profile(s) from surface to near bottom to surface. Zooplankton and eggs/larvae collected using 270 and 80 micrometre nets with self-logging flow meter units attached. An external flow meter monitored clogging. Samples preserved in 4 per cent formalin for analysis in the CEFAS Laboratory, Lowestoft.