
FRV Scotia 0801S_2

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FRV Scotia (748S)
Cruise identifier0801S_2
Cruise period2001-05-19 — 2001-05-22
Port of departureAberdeen, United Kingdom
Port of returnAberdeen, United Kingdom
Objectives1) To perform a check monitoring fish disease survey of sewage sludge disposal grounds off the Firth of Forth, a distant reference area (east of Orkney) and in the vicinity of an oil field (Moray Firth).
2) To obtain grab samples at each station and analyse for PAH.
3) To collect tissues from common dab for mixed function oxidase activity and PAH bile metabolites.
Chief scientistDavid W Bruno (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportFRV Scotia 0801S_2 cruise report sc08_01part2.pdf (0.06 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificNorthwestern North Sea, Moray Firth
Contaminants in organismsQuantity: number of hauls = 16
Description: Fish and sediment analysed for PAH
Contaminants in organismsQuantity: number of stations = 4
Description: Grab sample
Biology and fisheries 
Other biological/fisheries measurementQuantity: number of hauls = 16
Description: Fish Parasites and genetic material, parasitic copepods and material for national reference collection.
Other biological/fisheries measurementQuantity: number of hauls = 16
Description: Common dab and other fish examined for disease and abnormality.
Other biological/fisheries measurementQuantity: number of hauls = 4
Description: One hour trawl with BTT01