
RV Lough Foyle LF/04/88

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Lough Foyle (74LG)
Cruise identifierLF/04/88
Cruise period1988-12-05 — 1988-12-06
Port of departureBelfast, United Kingdom
Port of returnBelfast, United Kingdom
ObjectivesTo carry out calibration tows between the Lough Beltra and the Lough Foyle on muddy ground at stations to be used for the groundfish surveys.
Chief scientistDavid J Agnew (Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland)
Cruise reportRV Lough Foyle LF/04/88 cruise report lf4_88.pdf (0.09 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralIrish Sea and St. George's Channel
SpecificIrish Sea
Track chartsRV Lough Foyle LF/04/88 cruise track — lf4_88track.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Biology and fisheries 
Gear researchDescription: Calibration of rockhopper trawl.