
RV Lough Foyle LF/32/95

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Lough Foyle (74LG)
Cruise identifierLF/32/95
Cruise period1995-04-18 — 1995-04-25
Port of departureBelfast, United Kingdom
Port of returnBelfast, United Kingdom
ObjectivesIchthyoplankton survey
1. To survey the distribution & abundance of fish eggs for the AIR egg abundance
project (AIR3 2263).
2. To collect fish eggs for iso-electric focusing.
3. To investigate the abundance of fish & Nephrops larvae in the Irish Sea.
4. To collect fish larvae for lipid analysis, C & N content & otolith primary increment
5. To investigate the abundance of euphausiids & other macro zooplankton in the
Irish Sea.
6. To collect samples for a Queens/DANI studentship.
Chief scientistMark Dickey-Collas (Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland)
Cruise reportRV Lough Foyle LF/32/95 cruise report lf32_95.pdf (0.20 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralIrish Sea and St. George's Channel
SpecificIrish Sea
Track chartsRV Lough Foyle LF/32/95 cruise track — lf32_95track.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Biology and fisheries 
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of hauls = 21
Description: Hauls 1 -21 were made. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of hauls = 11
Description: Hauls 89-110. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Hauls 76-88. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of hauls = 3
Description: Hauls 73-75 unsuccessful. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
ZooplanktonQuantity: number of hauls = 21
Description: Hauls 22-43. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
Eggs and larvaeQuantity: number of hauls = 11
Description: Hauls 89-110. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
Eggs and larvaeQuantity: number of hauls = 21
Description: Hauls 22-43. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
Eggs and larvaeQuantity: number of hauls = 3
Description: Hauls 73-75 unsuccessful. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
Eggs and larvaeQuantity: number of hauls = 21
Description: Hauls 1 -21 were made. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
Eggs and larvaeQuantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Hauls 76-88. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 3
Description: Hauls 73-75 unsuccessful. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 21
Description: Hauls 22-43. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Hauls 76-88. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 11
Description: Hauls 89-110. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 21
Description: Hauls 1 -21 were made. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 21
Description: Hauls 22-43. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 21
Description: Hauls 1 -21 were made. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 3
Description: Hauls 73-75 unsuccessful. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 11
Description: Hauls 89-110. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.
CrustaceansQuantity: number of hauls = 12
Description: Hauls 76-88. Looking at the abundance of fish eggs, fish and Nephrops. Looking at the abundance of macro zooplankton.