
RV Lough Foyle LF/18/99

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)RV Lough Foyle (74LG)
Cruise identifierLF/18/99
Cruise period1999-05-02 — 1999-05-07
Port of departureBelfast, United Kingdom
Port of returnBelfast, United Kingdom
ObjectivesSmall clupeoids survey
1. To quantify food selection and intake of sprat and juvenile herring in the western Irish Sea, with particular reference to predation on eggs and larvae of commercial fish species.
2. To estimate the biomass amd population structure of sprat and juvenile herring in the study area.
3. To investigate competition for resources between sprat and juvenile herring.
4. To investigate reproductive parameters of sprat.
Chief scientistMike Armstrong (Department of Agriculture for Northern Ireland)
Cruise reportRV Lough Foyle LF/18/99 cruise report lf18_99.pdf (0.18 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralIrish Sea and St. George's Channel
SpecificNW Irish Sea
Track chartsRV Lough Foyle LF/18/99 cruise track — lf18_99track.pdf (0.02 MB) 
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Biology and fisheries 
Eggs and larvae54° 4' 47" N  5° 28' 23" W — Tow 3. Time 13.27. Mean depth 86m. Catch 200kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 44' 11" N  5° 52' 12" W — Tow 10. Time 16.39. Mean depth 54m. Catch 0kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 35' 24" N  5° 40' 53" W — Tow 6. Time 09.49. Mean depth 91m. Catch 94kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 47' 11" N  5° 43' 53" W — Tow 16. Time 21.13. Mean depth 66m. Catch 52kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 47' 59" N  5° 43' 5" W — Tow 15. Time 15.58. Mean depth 84m. Catch 26kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 46' 59" N  5° 45' 29" W — Tow 14. Time 08.54. Mean depth 70m. Catch 49kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 44' 41" N  5° 50' 35" W — Tow 13. Time 03.53. Mean depth 58m. Catch 17kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 43' 53" N  5° 51' 5" W — Tow 12. Time 21.22. Mean depth 56m. Catch 2kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 43' 41" N  5° 50' 35" W — Tow 11. Time 17.15. Mean depth 57m. Catch 15kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 51' 41" N  5° 39' 41" W — Tow 9. Time 21.26. Mean depth 91m. Catch 88kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 43' 41" N  5° 56' 6" W — Tow 7. Time 14.03. Mean depth 47m. Catch 151kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 35' 6" N  5° 52' 12" W — Tow 5. Time 08.11. Mean depth 55m. Catch 31kg.
Eggs and larvae53° 51' 23" N  5° 38' 29" W — Tow 4. Time 20.16. Mean depth 93m. Catch 160kg.
Eggs and larvae54° 7' 5" N  5° 32' 59" W — Tow 2. Time 11.20. Mean depth 57m. Catch 87kg.
Eggs and larvae54° 10' 59" N  5° 44' 17" W — To investigate the food selection and intake of sprat and herring with reference to predetationon eggs and larvae and competition for resources. Tow 1. Time 08.57. Mean depth 25m. Catch 0kg.
Demersal fish53° 35' 24" N  5° 40' 53" W — Tow 6. Time 09.49. Mean depth 91m. Catch 94kg.
Demersal fish54° 4' 47" N  5° 28' 23" W — Tow 3. Time 13.27. Mean depth 86m. Catch 200kg.
Demersal fish53° 51' 41" N  5° 39' 41" W — Tow 9. Time 21.26. Mean depth 91m. Catch 88kg.
Demersal fish53° 44' 41" N  5° 50' 35" W — Tow 13. Time 03.53. Mean depth 58m. Catch 17kg.
Demersal fish53° 43' 35" N  5° 48' 41" W — Tow 8. Time 15.28. Mean depth 63m. Catch 35kg.
Demersal fish53° 43' 41" N  5° 56' 6" W — Tow 7. Time 14.03. Mean depth 47m. Catch 151kg.
Demersal fish53° 47' 11" N  5° 43' 53" W — Tow 16. Time 21.13. Mean depth 66m. Catch 52kg.
Demersal fish53° 35' 6" N  5° 52' 12" W — Tow 5. Time 08.11. Mean depth 55m. Catch 31kg.
Demersal fish53° 43' 53" N  5° 51' 5" W — Tow 12. Time 21.22. Mean depth 56m. Catch 2kg.
Demersal fish53° 51' 23" N  5° 38' 29" W — Tow 4. Time 20.16. Mean depth 93m. Catch 160kg.
Demersal fish53° 46' 59" N  5° 45' 29" W — Tow 14. Time 08.54. Mean depth 70m. Catch 49kg.
Demersal fish54° 7' 5" N  5° 32' 59" W — Tow 2. Time 11.20. Mean depth 57m. Catch 87kg.
Demersal fish53° 43' 41" N  5° 50' 35" W — Tow 11. Time 17.15. Mean depth 57m. Catch 15kg.
Demersal fish54° 10' 59" N  5° 44' 17" W — To investigate the food selection and intake of sprat and herring with reference to predetationon eggs and larvae and competition for resources. Tow 1. Time 08.57. Mean depth 25m. Catch 0kg.
Demersal fish53° 47' 59" N  5° 43' 5" W — Tow 15. Time 15.58. Mean depth 84m. Catch 26kg.
Demersal fish53° 44' 11" N  5° 52' 12" W — Tow 10. Time 16.39. Mean depth 54m. Catch 0kg.