
Poseidon PO263

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)Poseidon (06PO)
Cruise identifierPO263
Cruise period2000-08-03 — 2000-08-22
Port of departureReykjavík, Iceland
ObjectivesThe overflow of cold dense water from the Denmark Strait is one of the key elements of the north Atlantic thermohaline circulation and has important concequences for global climate change. It is important to measure the transport of this water and to understand its variability on seasonal and longer time scales. The European funded project "Variability of Exchanges in Northern Seas" is an attempt to measure variations in the Arctic circulation using modern oceanographic instrumentation.
Chief scientistGeoff Hargreaves (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
ProjectVEINS: Inverted Echo Sounders in the Denmark Strait
Cruise reportPoseidon PO263 cruise report poseidon263_00.pdf (0.19 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Atlantic Ocean
SpecificDenmark Strait
Moorings, landers, buoys 
Physical oceanography 
Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder)63° 28' 34" N  36° 17' 18" W — BPR recovered from a depth of 2002m.
Sea level (inc. bot. press., inverted echosounder)63° 28' 32" N  36° 17' 16" W — BPR deployed at a depth of 1998m