
FRV Scotia 0502S

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FRV Scotia (748S)
Cruise identifier0502S
Cruise period2002-03-28 — 2002-04-06
Port of departureAberdeen, United Kingdom
Port of returnAberdeen, United Kingdom
Objectives1. To undertake a variety of trials and tests of the new Simrad SH80 multibeam sonar.
2. To test for acoustic interference between the new SH80 and other acoustic instruments.
3. To verify working methods for the use of the Simrad ITI system on the pelagic trawl and compare these with the Scanmar based system.
4. To calibrate all three EK500 transducers (38, 120 and 200 kHz) and the 18 kHz EA500 transducer with and without the calibrate programme for comparative purposes.
5. To collect multifrequency data (at five frequencies) and multibeam sonar data on fish schools to investigate the possibility of automatic species ientification.
6. To investigate the possibility of collecting data on the ship's ES60 echosounder.
7. To establish the towing characteristics of the ARIES sampler to attain level pitch at different speeds.
8. To determine the towing characteristics of the RCTV at different speeds, with and without variable angle depressors.
9. To test a new PC-based video archiving system.
Chief scientistChris D Hall (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory), Paul G Fernandes (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportFRV Scotia 0502S cruise report sc05_02.pdf (0.30 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
North East Atlantic Ocean (limit 40W)
SpecificNorthern North Sea, Scapa Flow, Fair Isle, Shetland
Physical oceanography 
Other physical oceanographic measurementsDescription: At the Buchan Depths repeated tows were carried out using RCTV and ARIES.
Biology and fisheries 
Pelagic fishDescription: RCTV was deployed to observe the pelagic trawls.
Pelagic fishDescription: South west of Shetland a number of trawls were made, but nothing was caught, even when using the Netsonde. No. of hauls not noted.
Demersal fishDescription: South west of Shetland a number of trawls were made, but nothing was caught, even when using the Netsonde. No. of hauls not noted.
Acoustic reflection on marine organisms.Description: South west of Shetland a number of trawls were made, but nothing was caught, even when using the Netsonde. No. of hauls not noted.
Acoustic reflection on marine organisms.Description: The PT160 trawl was towed, testing various acoustic sensors such as Scanmar, Simrad II and Netsonde. No. of trials not noted.
Gear researchDescription: The PT160 trawl was towed, testing various acoustic sensors such as Scanmar, Simrad II and Netsonde. No. of trials not noted.
Gear researchDescription: At the north Moray coast, trials of the towed equipment were carried. No. of trials not noted.
Gear researchDescription: At the Buchan Depths repeated tows were carried out using RCTV and ARIES.
Gear researchDescription: RCTV was deployed to observe the pelagic trawls.
Geology and geophysics 
Bottom photographyDescription: The PC-based video archiving system was tested by recording some trawls.