
FV Helenus 3101H

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FV Helenus (74OQ)
Cruise identifier3101H
Cruise period2002-01-27 — 2002-02-01
Port of departurePeterhead, United Kingdom
Port of returnFraserburgh, United Kingdom
ObjectivesTo collect biological data on the gadoid populations (cod, haddock and whiting) at two geographically contrasting sites: Inshore - Buchan Deep; Offshore - Beryl Field.
This charter is one of a series of surveys in both the North Sea and off the west coast of Scotland. These surveys are to be performed bi-monthly and the collected data will allow:
a) Comparison of inshore and offshore gadoid populations, with respect to size structure, growth, age composition and conditions indices;
b) Description of temporal variation in these condition indices; and
c) Development of unbiased bi-monthly growth curves for the target gadoid species.
This project will be conducted as a prelimary exercise to assess the feasibility of using commercial vessels to supplement the collection of biological data on key commercial stocks.
Chief scientistMichael Breen (Fisheries Research Services Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
ProjectGadoid Survey - North Sea No 2
Cruise reportFV Helenus 3101H cruise report helenus_3101h.pdf (0.06 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificNorth Sea, Buchan Deep (57deg30'N 01deg02'W) and Beryl Field (59deg38'N 01deg45'E)
Biology and fisheries 
Pelagic fishQuantity: number of hauls = 6
Description: Cod, haddock and whiting measured for length, weight, age, sex, maturity, somatic weight, liver weight and ovarian tissue samples taken.