
UK classical hydrographic station data set (1893-)

Data set information

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Data holding centreBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
CountryUnited Kingdom  United Kingdom
Time periodFrom 1893 onwards
Geographical area

Shelf seas around the UK, North Atlantic, Norwegian Sea, Barents Sea, Mediterranean Sea, South Atlantic, Southern Oceans, Indian Ocean, Arabian Sea, East Indian Archipelago (Indonesia), Pacific Ocean, South China Sea, Tasman Sea


Ammonium and ammonia concentration parameters in water bodies; Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies; Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column; Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column; Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column; Salinity of the water column; Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column; Alkalinity, acidity and pH of the water column; Silicate concentration parameters in the water column; Temperature of the water column


Nutrient analysers; discrete water samplers; salinity sensor; CTD; dissolved gas sensors; pH sensors


The data set includes the classical oceanographic parameters of temperature, salinity, nutrients, oxygen, pH, alkalinity, and chlorophyll-a. This data set comprises more than 100,000 profiles collected by UK research and naval vessels in the shelf seas around the UK, the North Atlantic, the Norwegian Sea, the Barents Sea, the Mediterranean Sea, the South Atlantic, the Southern Oceans, the Indian Ocean, the Arabian Sea, the East Indian Archipelago (Indonesia) and the Pacific Ocean since the beginning of the twentieth century. In recent years, conductivity-temperature-depth (CTD) data have been collected in a higher resolution form than water bottle data; these have been included in this data set in a reduced resolution/water bottle form and merged with any available chemical parameters. This data set is one of the most complete of its kind in the world; the majority of the data known to have been collected prior to 1970 have been 'rescued' and work will continue to rescue the remainder. All of the profiles in this data set have been quality checked, cross-checked against original documentation, and all duplications removed. This data set has been compiled by the International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) Oceanographic Data Centre and is available from the ICES website.

OriginatorsInternational Council for the Exploration of the Sea
Data web site
OrganisationBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
ContactPolly Hadžiabdić (Head of the BODC Requests Team)

British Oceanographic Data Centre
Joseph Proudman Building 6 Brownlow Street
L3 5DA
United Kingdom

Telephone+44 (0)782 512 0946
Collating centreBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
Local identifier1048016
Global identifier160
Last revised2024-11-21