
Marine Productivity Programme Data Set (2000 - 2002)

Data set information

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Data holding centreBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
CountryUnited Kingdom  United Kingdom
ProjectMarine Productivity: Physical Controls on Ecosystem Dynamics
Time period2000-2002 for fieldwork activities
Geographical area

North Atlantic: Irish Sea and English Channel for activities during Phase I (2000-2002); SW Iceland and Irminger Basin for cruise during Phase II (2002-2005).


Zooplankton and zoobenthos morphological parameters; Air pressure; Air temperature; Atmospheric humidity; Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies; Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column; Wind strength and direction; Zooplankton gut pigments; Zooplankton growth rates; Zooplankton reproduction rate parameters; Nitrate concentration parameters in the water column; Phytoplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies; Phosphate concentration parameters in the water column; Primary production in the water column; Salinity of the water column; Ocean colour and earth-leaving visible waveband spectral radiation; Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents); Dissolved total and organic nitrogen concentrations in the water column; Zooplankton taxonomy-related abundance per unit volume of the water column; Skin temperature of the water column; Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column; Nitrite concentration parameters in the water column; Concentration of inorganic sulphur species in the water column; Solar Radiation; Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the atmosphere; Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column; Zooplankton egg hatch proportion; Transmittance and attenuance of the water column; Silicate concentration parameters in the water column; Microzooplankton taxonomic abundance in water bodies; Bathymetry and Elevation; Temperature of the water column; Biota lipid concentrations; Vertical velocity of the water column (currents); Zooplankton feeding


Anemometers; meteorological packages; fluorometers; radiometers; thermosalinographs; single-beam echosounders; plankton recorders; plankton nets; discrete water samplers; ocean colour radiometers; autoanalysers; high performance liquid chromatographs; titrators; spectrophotometers; bench fluorometers; bench particle sizers; acoustic backscatter sensors; CTD; current profilers; dissolved gas sensors; plankton categorisers and counters; active fluorometers; shipboard incubators


The Marine Productivity (MarProd) programme data set comprises physical, biological and biogeochemical data, including hydrographic profiles (temperature, salinity, fluorescence, dissolved oxygen, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR)), and samples of nutrients, suspended particulate material, dissolved material, phytoplankton and zooplankton. These data were supplemented by continuous underway measurements of bathymetry, surface hydrography (temperature, salinity, fluorescence and attenuance), meteorology (wind speed and direction, PAR and total incident irradiance, air temperature, humidity and atmospheric pressure), remote sensing of sea surface temperature and ocean colour, and by production experiments. The data were collected in UK shelf seas and the North Atlantic Ocean between 2000 and 2002. Surface biogeochemical parameters (nutrients, photosynthesis, production, suspended particulate material and dissolved organic material) were measured during cruises in the Irish Sea in May, June and July 2001, while ongoing hydrographic and plankton time-series at Plymouth Marine Laboratory's L4 sampling station are also included in the data set. However, the bulk of the data were collected during a major fieldwork campaign of four dedicated research cruises on RRS Discovery between November 2001 and December 2002. A total of over 800 gear deployments were performed at 159 stations mainly distributed in the Irminger Sea and Iceland Basin, facilitating the measurement of water mass distribution, velocity field and mixed layer properties. A comprehensive water sampling programme was undertaken for the purposes of plant pigment and microscopic analyses; biomass estimations of different taxonomic/functional groups of microplankton (picoplankton, phytoplankton and microzooplankton); high resolution profiles of inorganic nutrient concentrations; and determination of abundance of key zooplankton species (Calanus finmarchicus, Oithona spp. and euphausiids). Process studies were undertaken to obtain information about factors controlling the reproduction, growth, mortality and behaviour of individual species using physiological studies (feeding experiments, egg production and nauplii development, species interactions) and analyses of biochemical composition (lipids and hormones studies, analyses of carbon/nitrogen and stable isotope ratios composition). Phytoplankton primary production was measured using carbon uptake on the last two cruises and additional data were collected using a Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometer (FRRF) through continuous surface underway sampling and vertical deployments. MarProd's main objective was to investigate the population dynamics of key zooplankton species in UK shelf seas and in the northern Atlantic with emphasis on the manner in which physical factors such as water temperature and oceanic currents influence their distribution, abundance and productivity. The MarProd Programme involved researchers from numerous institutions from the UK, Ireland and Spain. The data are archived at the British Oceanographic Data Centre.

OriginatorsAZTI, Headquarters Pasaia(Gipuzkoa)
Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for Northern Ireland
Fisheries Research Services, Aberdeen Marine Laboratory
Gatty Marine Laboratory
Heriot-Watt University School of Life Sciences
Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science
Southampton Oceanography Centre
Swansea University School of the Environment and Society
University of Aberdeen, School of Biological Sciences
University of Liverpool, School of Biological Sciences
Data web site
OrganisationBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
ContactPolly Hadžiabdić (Head of the BODC Requests Team)

British Oceanographic Data Centre
Joseph Proudman Building 6 Brownlow Street
L3 5DA
United Kingdom

Telephone+44 (0)782 512 0946
Collating centreBritish Oceanographic Data Centre
Local identifier1048107
Global identifier222
Last revised2017-03-30