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- 426
Artificial radionuclides in the North East Atlantic (1982-)
Data set information
| Query EDMED |
General | |
Data holding centre | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft Laboratory |
Country | United Kingdom |
Time period | From 1982 onwards |
Ongoing | Yes |
Geographical area | NE Atlantic |
Observations | |
Parameters | Radioactivity in biota; Electrical conductivity of the water column; Salinity of the water column; Temperature of the water column; Radioactivity in water bodies; Concentration of suspended particulate material in the water column; Geological sample radioactivity |
Instruments | Discrete water samplers; continuous water samplers; unconsolidated sediment corers; CTD |
Description | |
Summary | Concentrations of artificial radionuclides have been determined in sediments, surface and bottom waters, and biota (principally the rat-tail Coryphaenoides armatus) from on and around the NEA dumpsite for low level radioactive waste, which was used for packaged waste disposal up to 1982. The data were obtained to test some of the assumptions in the 1985 Size Suitability Review assessment model and estimate the extent, if any, of leakage from the drums. In addition, measurements of the natural radionuclide polonium-210 have been made to assess the radiation dose to marine organisms resulting from the natural radiation background. |
Originators | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft Laboratory |
Data web site | http://www.cefas.co.uk/ |
Availability | |
Organisation | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft Laboratory |
Availability | Licence |
Contact | Contracts Office, CEFAS, Lowestoft |
Address | Centre for Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture Science, Lowestoft Laboratory |
Telephone | +44 1621 562244 |
Facsimile | +44 (0)1502 513865 |
Administration | |
Collating centre | British Oceanographic Data Centre |
Local identifier | 1029047 |
Global identifier | 426 |
Last revised | 2009-05-22 |