
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets held by University of Athens, Department of Chemistry, Division of Inorganic and Environmental Chemistry, Environmental and Marine Chemistry Group

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Host Data set name Show
grDissolved and particulate trace metal levels in the Saronikos Gulf, eastern Mediterranean Sea (1986-2000)Click to show data set information
grMagnetic measurements in sediments of the Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean (1987-1991) Click to show data set information
grTrace metal and nutrient levels in Amvrakikos Gulf, western Greece (1982-1986) Click to show data set information
grTrace metal and nutrient levels in Patraikos Gulf, western Greece (1982-1986) Click to show data set information
grTrace metal and nutrients in Maliakos Gulf and the estuary of Sperchios river, Central Greece (1982-1986, 1997-2000) Click to show data set information
grTrace metals and nutrients in Astakos Gulf, Western Greece (1997-2000) Click to show data set information
grTrace metals in waters and sediments of the Acheloos Estuary, western Greece (1983-1986 and 1989-1990) Click to show data set information
grTrace metals, nutrients and PAHs in Evoikos Gulf, Central Greece (1980-1998) Click to show data set information

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