Control run of a 1/12° regional simulation of MITgcm in the North Atlantic Ocean (repeated year forcing from JRA55-do, May 2003-May 2004).
Decadal and multidecadal simulation of the Southwestern Indian Ocean with high frequency surface currents (climatological and realistic forcing, 1993-2020)
Idealised outputs on effects of tides and waves on delta development using the model Delft3D on a 36 and 72 year scale.
Model output containing ocean and sea ice variables from GOSI9 eORCA025 (1976-2005)
Model output containing ocean and sea ice variables from GOSI9 eORCA1 (1976-2005)
Model output containing ocean and sea ice variables from GOSI9 eORCA12 (1976-2005)
Northwest European Shelf daily and monthly physical-biogeochemical data (1990-2099) from NEMO-ERSEM coupled physics-biogeochemistry climate model, ReCICLE
Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA) Model Dataset
Regional summaries from Arctic high-resolution sea ice-ocean forced modelling hindcasts (2008-2021) and projections (2000-2050), PRE-MELT project.
RisesAM-OceanWaves: An hourly simulation of sea surface waves for historic (1979-2015) and future (1970-2100) climate