
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets held by Centre for Environmental Data Analysis

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Host Data set name Show
gbControl run of a 1/12° regional simulation of MITgcm in the North Atlantic Ocean (repeated year forcing from JRA55-do, May 2003-May 2004).Click to show data set information
gbDecadal and multidecadal simulation of the Southwestern Indian Ocean with high frequency surface currents (climatological and realistic forcing, 1993-2020) Click to show data set information
gbIdealised outputs on effects of tides and waves on delta development using the model Delft3D on a 36 and 72 year scale. Click to show data set information
gbModel output containing ocean and sea ice variables from GOSI9 eORCA025 (1976-2005) Click to show data set information
gbModel output containing ocean and sea ice variables from GOSI9 eORCA1 (1976-2005) Click to show data set information
gbModel output containing ocean and sea ice variables from GOSI9 eORCA12 (1976-2005) Click to show data set information
gbNorthwest European Shelf daily and monthly physical-biogeochemical data (1990-2099) from NEMO-ERSEM coupled physics-biogeochemistry climate model, ReCICLE Click to show data set information
gbOcean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA) Model Dataset Click to show data set information
gbRegional summaries from Arctic high-resolution sea ice-ocean forced modelling hindcasts (2008-2021) and projections (2000-2050), PRE-MELT project. Click to show data set information
gbRisesAM-OceanWaves: An hourly simulation of sea surface waves for historic (1979-2015) and future (1970-2100) climate Click to show data set information

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