
European Directory of Marine Environmental Data (EDMED)

Data sets held by Hydrographic Institute

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Host Data set name Show
ptBT data for waters around Portugal, Azores and Madeira (1962-2009)Click to show data set information
ptCoastal Portuguese HF-Radar Data (since 2012) Click to show data set information
ptCTD station data for waters around Portugal, Azores and Madeira (1985-2010) Click to show data set information
ptCurrent meter data around coasts of Macao (1984-2000) Click to show data set information
ptCurrent meter data around coasts of Portugal, Azores, Madeira (1975 - 2009) Click to show data set information
ptData from a multiparametric buoy network, Portugal (since 2009) Click to show data set information
ptData on the sediments and rocks of the continental shelf and slope off Portugal (1974 - 2009) Click to show data set information
ptMeteorological data from automatic weather stations on west coast of Portugal (1980 - 2009) Click to show data set information
ptMeteorological data from automatic weather stations, Portugal (since 2010) Click to show data set information
ptNansen cast data (with nutrients) for waters around Portugal, Azores and Madeira (1923-40, 1965-85) Click to show data set information

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