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BODC Cruise Metadata Report for RRS James Clark Ross (74JC) cruise JR17003


This report collates information from the BODC cruise inventory and oceanographic databases. It presents

Cruise Inventory Information

Long name RRS James Clark Ross (74JC) cruise JR17003
Short name JR17003
Objectives and Narrative After departing Rothera, four gliders were recovered from the shelf break region west of the Antarctic Peninsula in Drake Passage. The vessel then proceeded to Signy Island, South Orkney Islands, to drop off two passengers. A repeat of part of the WOCE A23 CTD section from 64°S to South Georgia was performed for the 12th time. The vessel then proceeded to the shelf break south of King Haakon Bay, South Georgia, where further CTD casts were performed, including a transect into the bay itself. Two gliders were recovered from the northwest of South Georgia, near the "P3" mooring site. The vessel then proceeded to King Edward Point to uplift two personnel, and then transited to Stanley, Falkland Islands, where the cruise was demobilised.

This cruise formed part of the ORCHESTRA project (PI: Emily Shuckburgh, British Antarctic Survey); the two last gliders were deployed as part of the GOCART project (PI: Stephanie Henson, National Oceanography Centre, Southampton).
Ship RRS James Clark Ross
Departure Port Rothera, Antarctica
Departure Date 2018-01-26
Arrival Port Stanley, Falkland Islands (Malvinas)
Arrival Date 2018-02-18
Principal Scientist(s) Povl Abrahamsen (British Antarctic Survey)
Responsible Organisation British Antarctic Survey
Associated Project(s) Ocean Regulation of Climate by Heat and Carbon Sequestration and Transports (ORCHESTRA)
IHB Sea Areas Visited South West Atlantic Ocean (limit 20W), Southern Ocean
Marsden Squares Visited 483/484/485/518/519/520/521/522
Work Area Description Drake Passage, King Haakon Bay. Bellingshausen Sea, Weddell Sea, Scotia Sea
Unable to lookup cruise bounds at this time
Work Area Bounding Polygon
Southern Limit unknown
Northern Limit unknown
Western Limit unknown
Eastern Limit unknown

Cruise Inventory Datasets

Physical oceanography  
CTD stations Quantity: number of stations = 60
Description: CTD casts, using Sea-Bird Electronics 9+ with dual temperature/conductivity sensors, dissolved oxygen, transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor. Downward- and upward-looking 300-kHz lowered ADCPs were used on all 60 stations. Two casts were performed on station 5, giving 61 casts in total.  
Current profiler (eg ADCP) Quantity: activity duration in days = 24
Description: Current profiles from vessel-mounted ADCP  
Current profiler (eg ADCP) Quantity: number of stations = 60
Description: CTD casts, using Sea-Bird Electronics 9+ with dual temperature/conductivity sensors, dissolved oxygen, transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor. Downward- and upward-looking 300-kHz lowered ADCPs were used on all 60 stations. Two casts were performed on station 5, giving 61 casts in total.  
Optics (eg underwater light levels) Quantity: number of stations = 60
Description: CTD casts, using Sea-Bird Electronics 9+ with dual temperature/conductivity sensors, dissolved oxygen, transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor. Downward- and upward-looking 300-kHz lowered ADCPs were used on all 60 stations. Two casts were performed on station 5, giving 61 casts in total.  
Surface measurements underway (T,S) Quantity: activity duration in days = 24
Description: Routine underway measurements of temperature, salinity, transparency, and chlorophyll fluorescence  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: number of stations = 60
Description: CTD casts, using Sea-Bird Electronics 9+ with dual temperature/conductivity sensors, dissolved oxygen, transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor. Downward- and upward-looking 300-kHz lowered ADCPs were used on all 60 stations. Two casts were performed on station 5, giving 61 casts in total.  
Transparency (eg transmissometer) Quantity: activity duration in days = 24
Description: Routine underway measurements of temperature, salinity, transparency, and chlorophyll fluorescence  
Chemical oceanography  
Isotopes Quantity: number of stations = 21
Description: Samples collected for stable oxygen isotope (O-18) analysis from 20 stations on the A23 section and one station in King Haakon Bay. 245 samples collected in total.  
Oxygen Quantity: number of stations = 60
Description: CTD casts, using Sea-Bird Electronics 9+ with dual temperature/conductivity sensors, dissolved oxygen, transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor. Downward- and upward-looking 300-kHz lowered ADCPs were used on all 60 stations. Two casts were performed on station 5, giving 61 casts in total.  
Biology and fisheries  
Particulate organic matter (inc POC, PON) Quantity: number of stations = 3
Description: Filtration for POC and Chl from CTD casts near three glider recovery sites.  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of stations = 3
Description: Filtration for POC and Chl from CTD casts near three glider recovery sites.  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: number of stations = 60
Description: CTD casts, using Sea-Bird Electronics 9+ with dual temperature/conductivity sensors, dissolved oxygen, transmissometer, fluorometer, PAR sensor. Downward- and upward-looking 300-kHz lowered ADCPs were used on all 60 stations. Two casts were performed on station 5, giving 61 casts in total.  
Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Quantity: activity duration in days = 24
Description: Routine underway measurements of temperature, salinity, transparency, and chlorophyll fluorescence  
Incident radiation Quantity: activity duration in days = 24
Description: Routine meteorological measurements of temperature, wind, and solar radiation  
Routine standard measurements Quantity: activity duration in days = 24
Description: Routine meteorological measurements of temperature, wind, and solar radiation  
Geology and geophysics  
Multi-beam echosounding Quantity: activity duration in days = 17
Description: Multi-beam echo sounding, using 12-kHz Kongsberg EM122 echo sounder. Although the echo sounder was running almost continuously for 23 days, data were only recorded for 17 days, as we already hold data from much of the study area.  
Single-beam echosounding Quantity: activity duration in days = 24
Description: Single-beam echo sounding, using 12-kHz Kongsberg EA600 echo sounder (running in passive mode using ping from EM122 multi-beam echo sounder for most of the cruise)  

Cruise Inventory Mooring/Buoy Operations

Latitude Longitude Data type Description
52° 48' S 40° 9' W Optics (eg underwater light levels) Slocum glider 404 "Pancake" recovered; was deployed 15/11/2017 on cruise DY086; recovered 13/02/2018
61° 19' S 63° 25' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Seaglider 640 recovered; was deployed 30/11/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
60° 54' S 64° 7' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Slocum glider 330 recovered; was deployed 01/12/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
52° 46' S 40° 7' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Slocum glider 398 "Churchill" recovered; was deployed 29/11/2017 on cruise DY086; recovered 13/02/2018
52° 48' S 40° 9' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Slocum glider 404 "Pancake" recovered; was deployed 15/11/2017 on cruise DY086; recovered 13/02/2018
60° 34' S 63° 25' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Slocum glider 632 recovered; was deployed 30/11/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
61° 1' S 64° 21' W Other physical oceanographic measurements Slocum glider 633 recovered; was deployed 30/11/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
61° 19' S 63° 25' W Oxygen Seaglider 640 recovered; was deployed 30/11/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
60° 54' S 64° 7' W Oxygen Slocum glider 330 recovered; was deployed 01/12/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
52° 46' S 40° 7' W Oxygen Slocum glider 398 "Churchill" recovered; was deployed 29/11/2017 on cruise DY086; recovered 13/02/2018
52° 48' S 40° 9' W Oxygen Slocum glider 404 "Pancake" recovered; was deployed 15/11/2017 on cruise DY086; recovered 13/02/2018
61° 19' S 63° 25' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Seaglider 640 recovered; was deployed 30/11/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
60° 54' S 64° 7' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Slocum glider 330 recovered; was deployed 01/12/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
52° 46' S 40° 7' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Slocum glider 398 "Churchill" recovered; was deployed 29/11/2017 on cruise DY086; recovered 13/02/2018
52° 48' S 40° 9' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Slocum glider 404 "Pancake" recovered; was deployed 15/11/2017 on cruise DY086; recovered 13/02/2018
60° 34' S 63° 25' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Slocum glider 632 recovered; was deployed 30/11/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
61° 1' S 64° 21' W Phytoplankton pigs (eg chlorophyll, fluorescence) Slocum glider 633 recovered; was deployed 30/11/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
61° 19' S 63° 25' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Seaglider 640 recovered; was deployed 30/11/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
60° 54' S 64° 7' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Slocum glider 330 recovered; was deployed 01/12/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
52° 46' S 40° 7' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Slocum glider 398 "Churchill" recovered; was deployed 29/11/2017 on cruise DY086; recovered 13/02/2018
52° 48' S 40° 9' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Slocum glider 404 "Pancake" recovered; was deployed 15/11/2017 on cruise DY086; recovered 13/02/2018
60° 34' S 63° 25' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Slocum glider 632 recovered; was deployed 30/11/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018
61° 1' S 64° 21' W Subsurface temperature and salinity measurements Slocum glider 633 recovered; was deployed 30/11/2017 on cruise JR17001; recovered 28/01/2018

Summary of BODC Data Holdings for the Cruise

National Oceanographic Database


# Series Instrument Description Parameters
61 Acoustic doppler current profiler Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Metadata parameters
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
1 Acoustic doppler current profiler Date and time
Horizontal spatial co-ordinates
Horizontal velocity of the water column (currents)
Reference numbers
Vertical spatial coordinates
Vertical velocity of the water column (currents)
22 Bottle station Quality control flags
Reference numbers
Stable isotopes in water bodies
Vertical spatial coordinates
61 CTD/STD cast Chlorophyll pigment concentrations in water bodies
Density of the water column
Dissolved oxygen parameters in the water column
Electrical conductivity of the water column
Raw oxygen sensor output
Reference numbers
Salinity of the water column
Temperature of the water column
Transmittance and attenuance of the water column
Vertical spatial coordinates
Visible waveband radiance and irradiance measurements in the water column

Note: Parameter terms are taken from the BODC Parameter Discovery Vocabulary XML (SKOS)

Full List

BODC Reference Instrument Description Date/Time Location  
1877457 CTD/STD cast 2018-01-28 09:55Z 60° 34' S, 63° 25' W Click for more
1877469 CTD/STD cast 2018-01-28 16:05Z 61° 19' S, 63° 25' W Click for more
1877470 CTD/STD cast 2018-01-28 20:50Z 60° 54' S, 64° 7' W Click for more
1877482 CTD/STD cast 2018-01-28 23:32Z 61° 2' S, 64° 20' W Click for more
1877494 CTD/STD cast 2018-01-31 12:11Z 60° 42' S, 45° 29' W Click for more
1877501 CTD/STD cast 2018-01-31 12:30Z 60° 42' S, 45° 29' W Click for more
1877513 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-03 02:07Z 63° 58' S, 28° 52' W Click for more
1877525 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-03 10:07Z 63° 21' S, 29° 34' W Click for more
1877537 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-03 16:25Z 63° 4' S, 30° 7' W Click for more
1877549 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-03 23:53Z 62° 46' S, 30° 42' W Click for more
1877550 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-04 08:17Z 62° 29' S, 31° 15' W Click for more
1877562 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-04 15:41Z 62° 4' S, 31° 10' W Click for more
1877574 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-04 22:00Z 61° 39' S, 31° 6' W Click for more
1877586 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-05 01:22Z 61° 33' S, 31° 5' W Click for more
1877598 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-05 08:40Z 61° 10' S, 31° 3' W Click for more
1877605 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-05 12:10Z 61° 6' S, 31° 2' W Click for more
1877617 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-05 17:09Z 60° 42' S, 31° 0' W Click for more
1877629 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-05 21:06Z 60° 19' S, 30° 57' W Click for more
1877630 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-06 01:15Z 59° 59' S, 30° 55' W Click for more
1877642 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-06 05:27Z 59° 46' S, 30° 54' W Click for more
1877654 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-06 10:05Z 59° 40' S, 30° 54' W Click for more
1877666 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-06 14:29Z 59° 26' S, 30° 51' W Click for more
1877678 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-06 19:48Z 59° 3' S, 30° 49' W Click for more
1877691 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-07 00:53Z 58° 38' S, 30° 49' W Click for more
1877709 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-07 06:27Z 58° 12' S, 30° 49' W Click for more
1877710 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-07 11:39Z 57° 48' S, 30° 49' W Click for more
1877722 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-07 18:18Z 57° 27' S, 31° 19' W Click for more
1877734 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-08 12:57Z 57° 7' S, 31° 48' W Click for more
1877746 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-08 18:55Z 56° 46' S, 32° 18' W Click for more
1877758 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-09 01:01Z 56° 22' S, 32° 52' W Click for more
1877771 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-09 06:33Z 55° 59' S, 33° 25' W Click for more
1877783 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-09 12:57Z 55° 43' S, 33° 47' W Click for more
1877795 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-09 17:52Z 55° 28' S, 34° 7' W Click for more
1877802 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-09 21:49Z 55° 17' S, 34° 24' W Click for more
1877814 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-10 00:16Z 55° 15' S, 34° 26' W Click for more
1877826 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-10 01:59Z 55° 13' S, 34° 29' W Click for more
1877838 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-10 03:30Z 55° 13' S, 34° 30' W Click for more
1877851 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-10 15:22Z 55° 6' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1877863 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-10 18:04Z 55° 3' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1877875 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-10 20:15Z 55° 3' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1877887 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-10 21:54Z 55° 2' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1877899 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-10 23:18Z 55° 1' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1877906 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-11 00:13Z 55° 0' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1877918 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-11 01:21Z 54° 54' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1877931 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-11 09:24Z 54° 58' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1877943 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-11 12:02Z 54° 57' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1877955 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-11 14:45Z 54° 55' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1877967 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-11 16:29Z 54° 54' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1877979 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-11 17:58Z 54° 54' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1877980 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-11 19:28Z 54° 50' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1877992 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-11 21:01Z 54° 43' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1878006 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-11 22:43Z 54° 38' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1878018 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-12 11:15Z 54° 11' S, 37° 31' W Click for more
1878031 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-12 12:15Z 54° 9' S, 37° 28' W Click for more
1878043 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-12 13:08Z 54° 9' S, 37° 23' W Click for more
1878055 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-12 14:08Z 54° 9' S, 37° 18' W Click for more
1878067 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-12 20:00Z 54° 43' S, 37° 37' W Click for more
1878079 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-12 20:46Z 54° 43' S, 37° 40' W Click for more
1878080 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-12 21:41Z 54° 43' S, 37° 46' W Click for more
1878092 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-12 22:32Z 54° 43' S, 37° 51' W Click for more
1878111 CTD/STD cast 2018-02-13 13:43Z 52° 46' S, 40° 9' W Click for more
1890889 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-01-28 10:01Z 60° 34' S, 63° 25' W Click for more
1890890 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-01-28 16:14Z 61° 19' S, 63° 25' W Click for more
1890908 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-01-28 20:56Z 60° 54' S, 64° 7' W Click for more
1890921 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-01-28 23:35Z 61° 2' S, 64° 20' W Click for more
1890933 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-01-31 12:16Z 60° 42' S, 45° 29' W Click for more
1890945 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-01-31 12:30Z 60° 42' S, 45° 29' W Click for more
1890957 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-03 02:13Z 63° 58' S, 28° 52' W Click for more
1890969 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-03 10:12Z 63° 21' S, 29° 34' W Click for more
1890970 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-03 16:31Z 63° 4' S, 30° 7' W Click for more
1890982 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-03 23:58Z 62° 46' S, 30° 42' W Click for more
1890994 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-04 08:22Z 62° 29' S, 31° 15' W Click for more
1891008 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-04 15:47Z 62° 4' S, 31° 10' W Click for more
1891021 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-04 22:05Z 61° 39' S, 31° 6' W Click for more
1891033 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-05 01:27Z 61° 33' S, 31° 4' W Click for more
1891045 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-05 08:44Z 61° 10' S, 31° 3' W Click for more
1891057 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-05 12:17Z 61° 6' S, 31° 2' W Click for more
1891069 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-05 17:14Z 60° 42' S, 31° 0' W Click for more
1891070 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-05 21:11Z 60° 19' S, 30° 57' W Click for more
1891082 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-06 01:19Z 59° 59' S, 30° 55' W Click for more
1891094 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-06 05:31Z 59° 46' S, 30° 54' W Click for more
1891101 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-06 10:11Z 59° 40' S, 30° 54' W Click for more
1891113 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-06 14:37Z 59° 26' S, 30° 51' W Click for more
1891125 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-06 19:56Z 59° 3' S, 30° 49' W Click for more
1891137 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-07 00:58Z 58° 38' S, 30° 49' W Click for more
1891149 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-07 06:31Z 58° 12' S, 30° 49' W Click for more
1891150 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-07 11:46Z 57° 48' S, 30° 49' W Click for more
1891162 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-07 18:26Z 57° 27' S, 31° 19' W Click for more
1891174 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-08 13:05Z 57° 7' S, 31° 48' W Click for more
1891186 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-08 19:04Z 56° 46' S, 32° 18' W Click for more
1891198 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-09 01:06Z 56° 22' S, 32° 52' W Click for more
1891205 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-09 06:36Z 55° 59' S, 33° 25' W Click for more
1891217 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-09 13:03Z 55° 43' S, 33° 47' W Click for more
1891229 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-09 17:59Z 55° 28' S, 34° 7' W Click for more
1891230 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-09 21:54Z 55° 17' S, 34° 24' W Click for more
1891242 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-10 00:20Z 55° 15' S, 34° 26' W Click for more
1891254 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-10 02:03Z 55° 13' S, 34° 29' W Click for more
1891266 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-10 03:34Z 55° 13' S, 34° 30' W Click for more
1891278 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-10 15:29Z 55° 6' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1891291 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-10 18:13Z 55° 3' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1891309 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-10 20:21Z 55° 3' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1891310 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-10 21:58Z 55° 2' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1891322 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-10 23:22Z 55° 0' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1891334 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-11 00:17Z 55° 0' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1891346 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-11 01:25Z 54° 54' S, 37° 25' W Click for more
1891358 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-11 09:30Z 54° 58' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1891371 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-11 12:08Z 54° 57' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1891383 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-11 14:52Z 54° 55' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1891395 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-11 16:36Z 54° 54' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1891402 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-11 18:04Z 54° 53' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1891414 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-11 19:33Z 54° 50' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1891426 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-11 21:05Z 54° 43' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1891438 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-11 22:45Z 54° 38' S, 38° 15' W Click for more
1891451 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-12 11:22Z 54° 11' S, 37° 31' W Click for more
1891463 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-12 12:21Z 54° 9' S, 37° 28' W Click for more
1891475 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-12 13:13Z 54° 9' S, 37° 23' W Click for more
1891487 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-12 14:13Z 54° 9' S, 37° 18' W Click for more
1891499 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-12 20:05Z 54° 43' S, 37° 37' W Click for more
1891506 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-12 20:51Z 54° 43' S, 37° 40' W Click for more
1891518 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-12 21:47Z 54° 43' S, 37° 46' W Click for more
1891531 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-12 22:38Z 54° 43' S, 37° 51' W Click for more
1891543 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-02-13 13:50Z 52° 46' S, 40° 9' W Click for more
1921534 Acoustic doppler current profiler 2018-01-26 14:30:51Z to 2018-02-18 09:48:49Z From 67° 46' S, 69° 12' W to 51° 39' S, 57° 38' W Click for more
2043462 Bottle station 2018-02-03 04:03Z 63° 58' S, 28° 52' W Click for more
2043474 Bottle station 2018-02-03 12:05Z 63° 21' S, 29° 34' W Click for more
2043486 Bottle station 2018-02-04 01:34Z 62° 46' S, 30° 42' W Click for more
2043498 Bottle station 2018-02-04 17:32Z 62° 4' S, 31° 10' W Click for more
2043505 Bottle station 2018-02-05 09:59Z 61° 10' S, 31° 3' W Click for more
2043517 Bottle station 2018-02-05 17:52Z 60° 42' S, 31° 0' W Click for more
2043529 Bottle station 2018-02-05 22:01Z 60° 19' S, 30° 57' W Click for more
2043530 Bottle station 2018-02-06 02:23Z 59° 59' S, 30° 55' W Click for more
2043542 Bottle station 2018-02-06 06:46Z 59° 46' S, 30° 54' W Click for more
2043554 Bottle station 2018-02-06 15:52Z 59° 26' S, 30° 51' W Click for more
2043566 Bottle station 2018-02-06 20:59Z 59° 3' S, 30° 49' W Click for more
2043578 Bottle station 2018-02-07 02:10Z 58° 38' S, 30° 49' W Click for more
2043591 Bottle station 2018-02-07 13:11Z 57° 48' S, 30° 49' W Click for more
2043609 Bottle station 2018-02-08 14:17Z 57° 7' S, 31° 48' W Click for more
2043610 Bottle station 2018-02-09 02:06Z 56° 22' S, 32° 52' W Click for more
2043622 Bottle station 2018-02-09 14:19Z 55° 43' S, 33° 47' W Click for more
2043634 Bottle station 2018-02-09 18:51Z 55° 28' S, 34° 7' W Click for more
2043646 Bottle station 2018-02-09 22:38Z 55° 17' S, 34° 24' W Click for more
2043658 Bottle station 2018-02-10 00:48Z 55° 15' S, 34° 26' W Click for more
2043671 Bottle station 2018-02-10 02:23Z 55° 13' S, 34° 29' W Click for more
2043683 Bottle station 2018-02-10 03:46Z 55° 13' S, 34° 30' W Click for more
2043695 Bottle station 2018-02-12 14:19Z 54° 9' S, 37° 18' W Click for more

Project Database

No data currently held for this cruise in the BODC Project Database


Track Charts

Track Chart


Cruise Report