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Metadata Report for BODC Series Reference Number 1170346

Metadata Summary

Data Description

Data Category Hydrography time series at depth
Instrument Type
Vemco Minilog12 temperature recorder  water temperature sensor
Instrument Mounting subsurface mooring
Originating Country United Kingdom
Originator Dr John Huthnance
Originating Organization Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory (now National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool)
Processing Status banked
Online delivery of data Download available - Ocean Data View (ODV) format
Project(s) -

Data Identifiers

Originator's Identifier POSEIDON_328_2112
BODC Series Reference 1170346

Time Co-ordinates(UT)

Start Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2005-09-07 06:00
End Time (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) 2005-09-22 18:12
Nominal Cycle Interval 120.0 seconds

Spatial Co-ordinates

Latitude 60.24020 N ( 60° 14.4' N )
Longitude 4.62430 W ( 4° 37.5' W )
Positional Uncertainty 0.05 to 0.1 n.miles
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Depth 564.0 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Depth 564.0 m
Minimum Sensor or Sampling Height 33.0 m
Maximum Sensor or Sampling Height 33.0 m
Sea Floor Depth 597.0 m
Sea Floor Depth Source CRREP
Sensor or Sampling Distribution Fixed common depth - All sensors are grouped effectively at the same depth which is effectively fixed for the duration of the series
Sensor or Sampling Depth Datum Approximate - Depth is only approximate
Sea Floor Depth Datum Approximate - Depth is only approximate


BODC CODERankUnitsTitle
AADYAA011DaysDate (time from 00:00 01/01/1760 to 00:00 UT on day)
AAFDZZ011DaysTime (time between 00:00 UT and timestamp)
ACYCAA011DimensionlessSequence number
TEMPPR011Degrees CelsiusTemperature of the water body

Definition of Rank

  • Rank 1 is a one-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 2 is a two-dimensional parameter
  • Rank 0 is a one-dimensional parameter describing the second dimension of a two-dimensional parameter (e.g. bin depths for moored ADCP data)

Problem Reports

No Problem Report Found in the Database

Data Access Policy

Open Data

These data have no specific confidentiality restrictions for users. However, users must acknowledge data sources as it is not ethical to publish data without proper attribution. Any publication or other output resulting from usage of the data should include an acknowledgment.

If the Information Provider does not provide a specific attribution statement, or if you are using Information from several Information Providers and multiple attributions are not practical in your product or application, you may consider using the following:

"Contains public sector information licensed under the Open Government Licence v1.0."

Narrative Documents

VEMCO Minilog12-TR temperature logger


The VEMCO Minilog12-TR is a miniature data logger that records temperature at a user programmed time interval. It is housed in a waterproof cylinder and the temperature sensor is mounted on a protruding stainless steel probe.


Memory 16k, 32k or 64k. Temperature readings stored in Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory (EEPROM). Logging duration is between 3 hours and 5 years depending on the logging interval.
Data Retention 20 years.
Temperature Range -5 to 40°C; 0.015°C resolution; ±0.1°C accuracy with factory calibration.
Maximum Depth 1000m
Communication Link Downloaded via PC interface box. Connects to computer via DB9 connector. No external connections are required. Full memory downloads in 6 minutes for 16k.
Battery Internal lithium battery with life of up to 5 years or up to 1200 full deployments.

For more information please see the Manufacturer's information sheet.

PO328 Moored Minilogger sensors originators processing document

Data processing

The thermistor inside the Vemco minilogger initially produced an analogue value representing how its electrical resistance changes with temperature. This value was converted into a digital value using an analogue-to-digital (AtoD) converter inside the logger. When the data were downloaded an internally stored calibration was applied to the value to give the temperature in °C and the raw digital output as AtoD. Next, the data were converted from binary to ASCII format by the data originator. Data files supplied to BODC included both the digital temperature value as well as the raw digital output. The originator also supplied suggested correction factors for data from some of the loggers (summarised below). These were calculated by the originator to maintain a decreasing temperature-depth profile. The corrections have not been applied to the data.

Corrections supplied with the data

  Serial number Nominal height above seabed (m) Correction (°C)
East mooring 2106 49 0.08
5230 41 -0.06
8961 17 0.9
8947 5 0.6
South mooring 2406 48 -0.06
2427 40 -0.18
2192 32 -0.05
2196 20 -0.1
2425 16 -0.05
2110 12 0.05
2185 8 -0.05
West mooring 2421 50 0.85
2195 30 -0.12
2197 6 -0.35

PO328 Moored VEMCO Minilogger Sensor Processing undertaken by BODC

Data were received by BODC in ASCII files for each sensor deployed. The series were reformatted to internal BODC format using established procedures. The following table details mapping of variables to BODC parameter codes.

Parameters to be processed further

Originator' Variable Units BODC Parameter Code Definition of Parameter Code Units
Celsius °C TEMPPR01 Temperature of the water column °C

Parameters not to be processed further

Originator's variable Description
Temp(AtoD) Raw digital output of sensor

The raw digital output of the sensor supplied by the originator has been archived and is available on request if required.

BODC Quality Control

The reformatted data were visualised using BODC in-house software. Suspect data were marked by adding an appropriate quality control flag, and missing data marked by both setting the data to an appropriate absent data value and setting the quality control flag.

Project Information

No Project Information held for the Series

Data Activity or Cruise Information

Data Activity

Start Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2005-09-08
End Date (yyyy-mm-dd) 2005-09-21
Organization Undertaking ActivityProudman Oceanographic Laboratory (now National Oceanography Centre, Liverpool)
Country of OrganizationUnited Kingdom
Originator's Data Activity IdentifierPO328_East
Platform Categorysubsurface mooring

PO328 East temperature logger mooring

Deployment and recovery

The temperature logger array was deployed and recovered from FS Poseidon cruise PO328.

  Deployment Recovery
Time (UTC) 2005/09/08 08:00 - 08:27 on 2005/09/21 07:01
Nominal water depth 597 m 599 m
Position 60° 14.41'N
04° 37.46'W
60° 14.58'N
04° 37.05'W

The mooring was deployed from the afterdeck using the A-frame. The sub-surface buoyancy is deployed first followed by the mooring wire, instruments being attached at pre-marked intervals on the wire. The MORS release is attached to the bottom end of the wire followed by the anchor clump which is cut free when the ship is on station. The ascent rate of the mooring was estimated as 100 m min-1.

Recovery was over the port side with the strayline attached to the sub-surface buoy being grappled first and the buoy winched onboard. This was then unshackled and the mooring wire attached to the winch. As the wire was wound in the Minilogs were removed one by one until finally the Oceano release was brought onboard.

Mooring setup

The moorings consisted of a 50 m mooring wire attached to a 500 kg anchor clump via an Oceano transponding release. Buoyancy was provided by a syntactic barrel buoy. Each had a 15 m stray line and pickup float to aid recovery. Vemco Minilog temperature recorders were attached using cable ties and PVC tape at 4 m intervals along the mooring wire. In addition a Seabird MicroCAT (temperature, conductivity and pressure) recorder was deployed at the deepest point; nominally 4 m above the bed. The Minilog sampling interval, either two minutes or four minutes, was determined by the memory capacity of the individual loggers.

Rig description

Instrument Serial number Nominal height above the bed (m) Logging interval (minutes) Time (UTC) of last data ensemble Calibration date Owner
Vemco Minilog 2187 53 4 2005/09/22 17:12 UTC (logger turned off at 17:14:19) 2004/08 POL
Vemco Minilog 2106 49 2 2005/09/22 17:38 (logger turned off at 17:39:39) 2005/06 POL
Vemco Minilog 7333 45 2 2005/09/22 18:02 (logger turned off at 18:03:29) 2005/12 POL
Vemco Minilog 5230 41 4 2005/09/22 17:02 (logger turned off at 17:33:39) 2005/12 POL
Vemco Minilog 2108 37 2 2005/09/22 18:30 (logger turned off at 18:31:39) 2005/06 POL
Vemco Minilog 2112 33 2 2005/09/22 18:12 (logger turned off at 18:13:39) 2005/06 POL
Vemco Minilog 2193 29 4 19:20 on 22/09/2005 (logger turned off at 19:23:39) 08/2004 POL
Vemco Minilog 2424 25 2 2005/09/22 17:28 (logger turned off at 17:29:39) 2001/07 POL
Vemco Minilog 4484 21 2 No data* 2005/06 POL
Vemco Minilog 8961 17 4 2005/09/22 17:52 (logger turned off at 17:55:39) 2005/12 POL
Vemco Minilog 2113 13 2 2005/09/22 15:32 (logger turned off at 15:33:39) 2005/06 POL
Vemco Minilog 4483 9 2 2005/09/22 19:02 (logger turned off at 19:02:59) 2005/06 POL
Vemco Minilog 8947 5 4 2005/09/22 17:20 (logger turned off at 17:21:39) 2005/12 POL
Seabird MicroCAT 3273 4 1 2005/09/21 16:14   UKORS
Oceano release type RT661 183          

*The originator was unable to download the data from this logger.

POL - Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory, Liverpool
UKORS - UK Ocean Research Services

Related Data Activity activities are detailed in Appendix 1


Cruise Name PO328
Departure Date 2005-09-06
Arrival Date 2005-09-25
Principal Scientist(s)John Huthnance (Proudman Oceanographic Laboratory)
Ship FS Poseidon

Complete Cruise Metadata Report is available here

Fixed Station Information

No Fixed Station Information held for the Series

BODC Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
Blank Unqualified
< Below detection limit
> In excess of quoted value
A Taxonomic flag for affinis (aff.)
B Beginning of CTD Down/Up Cast
C Taxonomic flag for confer (cf.)
D Thermometric depth
E End of CTD Down/Up Cast
G Non-taxonomic biological characteristic uncertainty
H Extrapolated value
I Taxonomic flag for single species (sp.)
K Improbable value - unknown quality control source
L Improbable value - originator's quality control
M Improbable value - BODC quality control
N Null value
O Improbable value - user quality control
P Trace/calm
Q Indeterminate
R Replacement value
S Estimated value
T Interpolated value
U Uncalibrated
W Control value
X Excessive difference

SeaDataNet Quality Control Flags

The following single character qualifying flags may be associated with one or more individual parameters with a data cycle:

Flag Description
0 no quality control
1 good value
2 probably good value
3 probably bad value
4 bad value
5 changed value
6 value below detection
7 value in excess
8 interpolated value
9 missing value
A value phenomenon uncertain
B nominal value
Q value below limit of quantification

Appendix 1: PO328_East

Related series for this Data Activity are presented in the table below. Further information can be found by following the appropriate links.

If you are interested in these series, please be aware we offer a multiple file download service. Should your credentials be insufficient for automatic download, the service also offers a referral to our Enquiries Officer who may be able to negotiate access.

Series IdentifierData CategoryStart date/timeStart positionCruise
1170278Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-07 06:00:0060.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328
1170291Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-07 06:00:0060.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328
1170309Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-07 06:00:0060.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328
1170310Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-07 06:00:0060.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328
1170322Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-07 06:00:0060.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328
1170334Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-07 06:00:0060.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328
1170358Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-07 06:00:0060.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328
1170371Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-07 06:00:0060.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328
1170383Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-07 06:00:0060.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328
1170395Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-07 06:00:0060.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328
1170402Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-07 06:00:0060.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328
1170696Hydrography time series at depth2005-09-08 12:00:0360.2402 N, 4.6243 WFS Poseidon PO328