
FRV Explorer 12/83 (2)

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FRV Explorer (74EX)
Cruise identifier12/83 (2)
Cruise period1983-12-14 — 1983-12-19
Port of departureAberdeen, United Kingdom
Port of returnAberdeen, United Kingdom
ObjectivesTo collect live gadoids.

Live haddock and cod caught from the trawls were landed in Aberdeen on the 16/12/1983. Deteriorating weather conditions and boiler tube problems forced the curtailment of the trawling programme
Chief scientistD D Seaton (Department of Agriculture and Fisheries for Scotland Aberdeen Marine Laboratory)
Cruise reportFRV Explorer 12/83 (2) cruise report explorer12_83.pdf (0.08 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralNorth Sea
SpecificBuchan Deeps, Moray Firth
Track chartsFRV Explorer 12/83 (2) cruise track — explorer12_83track.pdf (0.04 MB) 
Biology and fisheries 
Demersal fishDescription: trawls for haddock and cod.