
FV St Richard Young Fish Survey 1988

Cruise summary report

Cruise Info. 
Ship name (ship code)FV St Richard (74RJ)
Cruise identifierYoung Fish Survey 1988
Cruise period1988-09-01 — 1988-09-19
Port of departureHastings, United Kingdom
Port of returnHastings, United Kingdom
ObjectivesJoint survey between: FV Alvic, FV Avon Valley, FV Challenge, FV Jo's Boys, FV Our Tracey, FV Sharowna, FV St Richard and Wash Harvester.

1. To carry out an inshore beam trawl and pushnet survey of part of the North Sea and English Channel coasts, of young demersal fish in relation to the environment. To include collecting data for juvenile flatfish year-class size estimation.
2. To continue studies of growth and mortality of young sole in the area off Lowestoft and in Rye Bay.

Team 1: Beam trawl survey of the Rye Harbour to Pevensey Bay area 6th-9th September. Push net sites sampled throughout 1st-19th September.

Team 4: no ship listed. Departed from Bridlington to sample push net sites between the Wash and Berwick during 1st-10th September.

1. In total throughout the survey 320 hauls using the 2m beam trawl and 61 push net sites using the standard 1.5m push net sampled. 11 additional hauls made. All fish caught identified and measured. Surface salinity, temperature, sediment samples and benthos obervations made at each station. Shrimp by-catch recorded at each station. Observations of dissolved oxygen levels made at most stations in the Thames estuary and at all stations in the River Thames. Samples of plaice taken for age determination studies.

2. Lowestoft and Rye Bay. Survey of the distribution and abundance of 0-group sole completed. Live 0-group sole held in tanks for 24 hours then deep frozen.

3. Samples of 0-group plaice collected. O-group plaice caught in Bridlington Bay area were heavily infested with Rhipidocotyle sp. Samples from nephrops catches of other vessels processed.
Chief scientistColin L Whiting (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food Lowestoft Fisheries Laboratory)
Cruise reportFV St Richard Young Fish Survey 1988 cruise report commercial_vessels_sep88.pdf (0.09 MB) 
Ocean/sea areas 
GeneralEnglish Channel
North Sea
SpecificScottish Border - Swanage Bay Rye Harbour to Pevensey Bay area
Physical oceanography 
Surface measurements underway (T,S)Description: Observations made at each station
Biology and fisheries 
PhytobenthosDescription: Observations made at each station
ZoobenthosDescription: Observations made at each station
Demersal fishDescription: (in total throughout the young fish survey) pushnet sites between the Wash and Berwick, no. of hauls not noted
Demersal fishDescription: deep frozen sole
Demersal fishDescription: distribution and abundance of 0-group sole
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 320
Description: (in total throughout the young fish survey) beam trawl survey of the
Demersal fishQuantity: number of flights = 11
Description: (in total throughout the young fish survey) additional hauls in the
Demersal fishQuantity: number of hauls = 61
Description: (in total throughout the young fish survey) pushnet sites in the
Demersal fishDescription: samples of 0-group plaice collected
CrustaceansDescription: shrimp by-catch recorded at each station
CrustaceansDescription: Samples from nephrops catches of other vessels processed
Other biological/fisheries measurementDescription: O-group plaice caught in Bridlington Bay area heavily infested with Rhipidocotyle sp.
Geology and geophysics 
GrabDescription: Observations made at each station